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BCR-on Abomasect (Genesect / Virizion / Abomasnow)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Virizion Ex
    3 Genesect Ex
    2-2 Abomasnow PLB
    1 Mewtwo Ex
    1 Jirachi Ex
    1 Dedenne FLF

  • 4 Juniper
    4 Skyla
    2 N
    2 Shadow Triad
    1 Colress
    1 Pokemon Fanclub
    1 Shauna
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Energy Switch
    2 Switch
    2 Plasma Frigate
    1 Town Map
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Energy Retrieval
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 G Booster

  • 4 Plasma
    9 Grass

Standard VirGen deck after the loss of Roserade.

-Abomasnow for fire and water weak fighting types.
-Mewtwo for psychic weak fighting types and other mewtwo. I might add another one if manage to get one.
-Plasma Frigate to protect my Mewtwo from other Mewtwo and fire types for my grass pokemon.
-Jirachi is the closest thing i can get to a Roserade replacement.
-Dedenne is kinda meh atm. Im not sure if i like having it in the deck, and will probably drop it for another Mewtwo if one every shows up.
-Fan Club is another card I'm not too sure about.

I also just realized that i dont have any megaphones in this deck and i need to find some space for that. any suggestions or comments?
RE: BCR-on Abomasect (Genesect/Virizion/Abomasnow)

beartic from furious fists will do aboms job much much better
RE: BCR-on Abomasect (Genesect/Virizion/Abomasnow)

How so? if the pokemon has float stone, beartic can only hit for 20. It may only take 2 energy to hit something that doesnt have a float stone for possibly harder than abomasnow. But abomasnow is constant. It hits for 40 for 2 energy and 80 for 3 and then confuses anything that survives. It still OHKO's pyroar with 2 energy and a muscle band.

I would use beartic for decks that dont use grass energy. but the fact is that i just like abomasnow better and i dont have to worry about float stones stopping it dead in its tracks.
Abomasnow does require the muscle band to knock out anything and it is too easy to run out or simply not have one when you need it. You should have startling megaphones to get rid of any float stones anyways. I just see it as generally fewer cards needed to have the same effect.
Big basic decks with Garbodor will have like 3-4 float stones. Which will heavily hamper the attacks of Beartic. I dont want to have to rely on my 2 startling megaphones to make sure beartic can attack. I rather just have 2 energy and a muscle band or 3 energy for abomasnow to do its work.

Stuff like sigilyph/suicune gets in the way of VirGen decks. Beartic will never be able to take it out. Sigilyph will do 70 to beartic, while beartic can only do 40 to it. Which will be a 3HKO, while sigilyph can 2HKO beartic. Abomasnow can OHKO both of them with 3 energy and a muscle band. Or just confuse them forcing them to retreat and bring out something i want to knock out.

Eitherway, sigilyph, suicune, and pyroar are the reasons for adding in Abomasnow. Its just a bonus that it also helps against landorus and other fighting types. Beartic doesn't help against all of them.