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BCR-On Shiftrick (Shiftry / Milotic)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4-1-4 Shiftry FLF
    1-1 Milotic FLF
    1 Tropius PLB
    1 Munna BCR
    2 Mewtwo Ex
    1 Jirachi Ex
    1 Virizion Ex

  • 2 N
    2 Juniper
    3 Skyla
    1 Shauna
    1 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    4 Rare Candy
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Switch
    2 Energy Retrieval
    2 Silver Bangle
    1 Muscle Band
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Pal Pad
    1 Dowsing Machine ACE
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Sacred Ash

  • 7 Grass
    4 DCE

Fill my bench asap and hit for high damage and only give up one prize. Leaf Draw, Jirachi, and Tropius allow for a lower draw supporter count and helps Pokemon Fan Club and Lysandre be more effective.

-Shiftry to hit for high amounts of damage and to increase consistency with Leaf Draw.
-Miltank for supplementary damage for 1 energy.
-Milotic for energy acceleration.
-Tropius to increase consistency even further with Return.
-Munna to stall with sleep if need be.
-Virizion to negate laserbank and bad flips on Munna.
-Jirachi to help with my low supporter count.

So far this deck works amazingly. I thought the loss of level ball was going to really hurt it, but its still going strong. I'm not sure if i need to really change anything, but suggestions or comments are welcome.
Out of curiosity, are you a Shadypenguinn fan? He used this deck on his channel recently so was just curious.

Like what you did with Munna and Virizion there. Would love to see opponent's reactions to that stalling them out xD
Nope i have not heard of said person. Though if they did do this sort of deck i will probably like other stuff he made. So i'll check it out.

Also Munna is pretty funny. It works pretty well. I usually get like 3 or 4 free turns to set up throughout the game when i get Munna out.
So after playing a bunch in the new format with fighting types and seismitoad, this deck has to change in terms of the pokemon line. There are about 6 spots for basic pokemon and im trying to decide what they should be. The choices i am considering are.

Tropius PLB: Can help set up, since this deck runs low supporter. Turn 1-2 Return can drastically help this deck set up, and with fighting resistance, it usually lasts a few turns. It can also hit Seismitoad for 80 damage with a silver bangle and draw up to 6. All for 1 energy.
Mewtwo Ex: With DCE it can be a good starter as well as it can come in handy vs anything weak to psychic.
Seismitoad Ex. Can also be a good starter, and can help slow other decks down, it also hits anything weak to water decently.
Munna BCR: Sleep flips can win games as hypnotoxic has shown to be true.
Virizion Ex: Prevents Status Effects and works well with Munna, but takes up 2 slots on the bench for the combo to work properly.
Mr Mime PLS: To stop bench damage.
Jirachi Ex: To grab supporters.
Chatot Plasma: To remove tools while under an item lock, to stop garbotoxin.

Is there anything else i should consider, and any suggestions on to what pokemon and count i should try out?

Also for the future i want to add Target Whistle and Lysandre's Last Resort. Probably 2 Target Whistles. I'm considering dropping Sacred ash and Pal pad to make space for 1 of each. Though idk what to take out for the second target whistle. Maybe a muscle band, since it basically does the same thing.
Worth considering some sort of counter stadium perhaps? Training Center would really beef up your shiftry (which is great paired with virizion keeping status off), but shiftry brings enough damage to be koing stuff even if they get extra hp from the stadium too, maxing out at 200dmg without muscle band (which nothing which isnt a mega is surviving even after training center)

One of the previous "issues" with Shiftry was that it takes a long time to set up. And that extra hp will really keep it alive longer. Plus if you want to keep your milo on the bench for a turn or two you get an extra 30hp to not feel quite as pressured into energy gracing before it gets quickly lysandre'd and knocked out. Not to say that wont still happen, but your opponent has to waste a lot more resources burning through that extra 30 hp. I like the deck though and I think Milotic remains a very underutilized pokemon.
I normally dont have too much problems with no counter stadium. Worst thing is probably frozen city. but each pokemon only attaches twice at the most usually. So its not too detrimental. Virbank is stopped by virizion ex. Fairy garden might be the most difficult thing to deal with since it just gives free retreat to everything.

As for Training center, it would help quite a bit to keep my pokemon alive. But with the added HP it will be much harder to get knock outs. Sure 200 is max damage, but if im playing against someone smart and they limit their bench. Generally my opponents have 2 bench pokemon, which means my max is 140, and with a silver bangle i can knock out the 170 hp exs. But the 1st or 2nd step pokemon will get 30 more hp putting them at like 160-180 hp. Making nearly impossible to OHKO them without a muscle band.

Also my opponents never target Milotic. They know they are going to get the prize anyway, and Jirachi is always on my bench. Once 1 shiftry gets out, its pretty easy to set up the rest up. Once leaf draw comes into play, this deck becomes scary.

I'm really just looking for opinions on the 6 basic pokemon slots. Cause i need the pokemon count to have a full bench asap and will need to replace them over and over as things get knocked out.