• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



awesome sauce
hey this is my 1st deck post I need some help please:D

the list:

4 beartic ep (sheer cold of course)
4 cubchoo ep (powder snow)
2 vileplume ud
1 gloom ud
2 oddish ud
2 reuniclus bw
1duosion bw
3 solosis bw
2 cleffa hs
3 cinccino bw
3 minccino bw
1 slowking hs
1 slowpoke ud
1 weaville ud
1 sneasel ud
2 reshiram bw
1 zekrom bw
3 collector
4 juniper
3 twins
2 rare candies

the sratigie
get vileplume beartc and reuniclus out asap and disrupt with sheer cold, alergy flower and damage swap
slowking and weavile are for extra disruption

any help would be nice:D
take out the weavile line to add another oddish and another duosion. You should run the 3-2-2 reuniclus because It will help get him out under trainer lock. The oddish is for if one gets knocked out early and the second is prized. Take out the slowking line for two more rare candies. They help get the vileplume out turn two which is a must. Take out the 3-3 cinccino for a fourth twins, two oaks and three seeker. The twins is for consistency, the oaks are your draw power and they help you get better hands early and late game, and the seekers are for when you move a bunch of damage onto a dragon and then you can seeker it up. Take out the cleffas for two pichus. These help get your bench full with the pokemon you need turn one. Take out the Juniper for four Pokemon Communications. These help search out your higher stage pokemon to get them with a candy for the turn two vileplume. Other than that. Looks good. Good luck