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Standard Because I'm bored (Golduck/Starmie)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 19
3x Golduck 29/149
3x Psyduck 28/149
3x Starmie 31/108
3x Staryu 30/108
2x Octillery 33/162
2x Remoraid 32/162
2x Bruxish 48/149
1x Manaphy EX 32/122

Trainers: 29
3x Ultra Ball
3x Brooklet Hill
2x Field Blower
2x Switch
2x Level Ball
2x Energy Loto
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Professor's Letter
2x N
2x Choice Band
1x Shauna
1x Lillie
1x Olympia
1x Hau
1x VS Seeker
1x Trainers' Mail
1x Aqua Patch

Energy: 12
12x Water Energy

The basic strategy here is to get a quick Starmie/Golduck combo going and build up before my opponent gets a chance to retaliate. Bruxish is a pretty good 1st turn if i dont get the combo set up right away. Not sure if I have too much energy search in it but so far it seems to run well