Ruling Beginner questions!!



Dear Gamers,

My son and I over the last few months have learned how to play Pokemon. We have a few "amateur" questions which I am hoping someone out there might be able to help us with?!

1. Can you use any 60 cards to play with (we used to think we had to use the original base deck but we're not so sure anymore)?

2. I've been using a machoke card that says "split kick - does 20 damage to each defending pokemon". My son thinks that this means that I have to put 20 damage on my own card (machoke) as well as his - is he right? Does anyone have a definition of "each defending pokemon"?

3. Can you choose to use any attack by your pokemon if you have enough energy? For example if I am attacking with Whismur and have three energy attached to it, can I choose to use either of the attacks (supersonic or hyper voice) or must I use the attack that requires the three energy cards (in this case hyper voice)?

Thanks so much for any help you can give us!
First off, welcome.

1. Yes, any 60 cards as long as you have atleast 1 basic pokemon.

2. Each Defending pokemon is for the double battle choice. A double battle is where each player has 2 active Pokemon, and can only have 4 benched pokemon. However, only 1 may attack. It's fun for a change of pase.

3. You can use any attack as long as you have enough energy.
Hope that helps
The Lurb/Bug freak MOT6K
caseyduhigg said:
1. Can you use any 60 cards to play with (we used to think we had to use the original base deck but we're not so sure anymore)?
There are two formats in which to play: Unlimited and Modified.
The Modified consists of every card released from "EX: Deoxys" to whatever the newest set is (Diamond and Pearl).
Modified is what nearly all tournaments use as their format.

Unlimited is just what it says it is, you can use almost card that you want.
Most casual players and sometimes a few leagues use this format.

But in both formats, you cannot have more than 4 of any one name of a card in your deck with the exception of basic energy cards.
An example of this is that you can have 4-Salamence, and 4-Salamence EX in your deck. But you cannot have 4-Salamence and 4-Salamence δ.
Salamence δ has the same name as a reglar Salamence.

caseyduhigg said:
2. I've been using a machoke card that says "split kick - does 20 damage to each defending pokemon". My son thinks that this means that I have to put 20 damage on my own card (machoke) as well as his - is he right? Does anyone have a definition of "each defending pokemon"?
The phrase "Each defending Pokémon" is used in double battle where there are two defending Pokémon. Since you are playing just a normal game, you would treat that phrase as "the defending Pokémon."

caseyduhigg said:
3. Can you choose to use any attack by your pokemon if you have enough energy? For example if I am attacking with Whismur and have three energy attached to it, can I choose to use either of the attacks (supersonic or hyper voice) or must I use the attack that requires the three energy cards (in this case hyper voice)?
You can use any attack that Pokémon has as long as you have enough energy attached to that Pokémon in order to use the attack you want.