Behind-the-scenes TCG awesomeness


Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
This is a thread to talk about things in the TCG that you normally wouldn't think about. Instead of explaining, I'll just give an example.
Tyranitar SF's Body says "may" so it could really be a Power. But then, when I thought about this, in a T-Tar mirror if somebody used a power and the other person DD'd, then they could DD and then you could and so on until someone ran out of discarded energy. That would be a disaster. Or some fossils (Omastar and Bastiodon come to mind) would be so cheap if they weren't fossils. So, just do other things like this. Have fun!
As a T-Tar player, the DD bit made me lol.

And yeah, you think fossils are cursed...? Try running Old Amber. :O
i dont understand this thread but ill give it a shot i guess
i dont understand why there arent more amu players
and machamp isnt a suffiecient answer.
amu is super good in this format ohko gigas
if you use palkia and play smart kingdra is beatable
and same goes for machamp.
i would definetly play this deck if people would trade the pixies and the lv.xs
definetly a good deck if you build it and play it right
^It's more like things that make a lot of sense. And we get annoyed with them, but yet they aren't things we think are for a reason, that it's just PUSA being annoying. Like T-Tar's body or fossils being fossils.