Wi-Fi Trades Berquet50's Wi-Fi Junkyard

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Hello all! As the title suggests, I will trade until I have, well, all the pokemon I can get. I want species because I want to breed them. :) I will consider every 0 Exp Pokemon that you won't use.

Also, I have EV training services to EV train your pokemon. Refer to the INFO section if interested.

Important:I abuse RNG for shininess and IVs. If you are not okay with it, don't offer. The Staravia is not RNGed, it is chained. Thanks!

FC:2924 0430 9571

Game:Heart Gold
FC:3696 4476 9030

FC:4168 9351 9501

My Succesful Trades:
ZoruaSnivyluver x 2

Wanted Pokémon

I basically want all the pokemon that I don't have. I want pokemon with at least has a 26+ IV. It can be anything but has to be at least one.

I want any, and all shinies you don't use.

Other wants

: I want one for Black, one for Platinum games. NO level and IV req. PLATINUM URGENTLY NEEDS DITTO!!

Any Pokemon that is not present in the Pokemon Black game. This is really important, eggs, Lv.1, anything!


I have many Pokemon that is not EV trained. If you are like me, just want to further your pokedex or to have your fave pokemon in your party, comment:)

Guide: Gender|Level|Nature
(Possible) IV (I'll bold out nice ones)
Attacks (for IV'ed egg moved stuff)

Shiny IV'ed


Protect/Headbutt/Ice Fang/Crunch
2 EVs at Atk



Protect/Headbutt/Ice Fang/Crunch
3 EVs at Atk, 1 EV at SpAtk



M|Lv. 26|Serious
This was trained from Lv.6, so couldn't get its IVs...

RNGed for shininess

F|Lv. 1|Modest

I have more to come. I have 5 shiny bidoof that I don't need, various levels/IVs. I plan to give them away too.

I'll update this page with every nice Pokémon I RNGed :)
RE: Berquet50's Wi-Fi Junkyard and EV Services

I can get you a Ditto, Pidgey, and Dratini for Black.
RE: Berquet50's Wi-Fi Junkyard and EV Services

I have a shiny starly which is my only chained shiny which I am not willing to trade unless a good shiny and i have a LoR Red Gyarados.
RE: Berquet50's Wi-Fi Junkyard and EV Services

I just hatched a shiny psyduck, added in the 1st post.

EDIT: Deleted junk. I have a shiny Eevee that I didn't record, I am thinking something regarding of evolving... Also did my first IV abuse! Aiming for flawlessness...
I'm interested in your Shiny Snorunt and your Shiny Eevee. I got lots of LEGIT Shiny and Event Pokemon. PM me if interested!
PokemonRulez101 said:
I'm interested in your Shiny Snorunt and your Shiny Eevee. I got lots of LEGIT Shiny and Event Pokemon. PM me if interested!

I am this close to have a shiny flawless snorunt. I need its IVs for the time being. but I will trade it eventually! I'll check for eevee right now and edit this message.

Sorry, I thought you had a thread... I can do for a starter, preferably charmander or chikorita. or a good IV'd ditto.
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