Best deck for BRs?

So what's the best on?

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Aspiring Trainer
So what do you think will be the best deck for BRs? AMU? Kingdra? Somtehing else?
I'm playing Empoleon-Aerodactyl...

But what do I know?

Er, yeah, I'd go Kingdra. But I hate Kingdra. Actually, Leafeon Lv X/Sceptile is also epic. One of those two. Empodactyl comes in not too many places later. It's also cheap... *whistle*
I am playing frosszong. I like the spreading idea of the deck and the only downside is magnezone X and its low HP... How will it do?
I think that FrossZong in Fine if u don't have much of Magnezone's in your Area. Kingdra is also amaizing, Leafeon X have almost always like 55-45 or better agaisnt it but Kingdra handle others easily (Exept Scorpio)
I will use my new rogue deck. Its more better than kingdra or AmU. Or something else :) it contains weezing ge :p
id say armaldo. nearly every one thinks it wont do well but i think there wrong IMHO.
Froslass/Brongzong or other mass spearders

I'm seeing a distinct lack of Magnezone on this poll. Explain yourself.
There are too many viable decks this time around. It's impossible to tell who's going to win.

There are only two things I'm sure of:

1. AMU is seriously overrated.
2. There will be more Kingdra counters than Kingdra.
BRs? My league is completely obssessing over everything EXCEPT Kingdra. Most of them are mad over Gliscor right now, so I'll be benefitting greatly from playing Kingdra.

"Hello, I'm Kingdra and I eat Gliscors for Breakfast."
zyflair, you don't happen to belong to a michigan league, do you? Mine seems a bit similar to yours- one guy playing Kingdra, 3 people with Gliscor.

Anyways, you're not going to see a lot of water weak decks from serious players - that fear of kingdra is there, and as long as it doesn't start getting destroyed in major tournies people are going to be playing random counters just on the off chance they face one.
counters? The only REAL counter I see is Leaf, and that's not so popular nowadays (but I had a heck of alot of fun when I was playing it though). And FYI, NO ONE IN MY LEAGUE IS PLAYING KINGDRA, besdies me that is.

Secondly, Kingdra is beaten to the ground with all this hyping. Moment IFDS (Stormfront is it?) comes out, poof! Kingdra's old news.

Michigan? Nice guess but no.
Magnezone will do best, but I think Sceptile and Leafeon has a chance with Kingdra roamin' the BR's.
Sorry, i havent tested Magnezone much but why it's so good? AMU OHKO's it and so can do Leafeon/Magmortar. Even if there is perfect combo with Magnezone X and palkia, still 3 Energys to do 80 isn't enough. It's good against Scorpio and maby Empoleon varients but still, i can't see it working so expalin me please?