Best ex card ever

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I'm pretty sure there's been dozens of threads about this topic now...go search for them.
Ugh. There isn't a best one. It's just what deck it was in.

Off top of my head:

Rayquaza-ex (DR)
Zapdos-ex (Personal preference :D)
Vileplume-ex in Unlimited

There are sooooo many more that I can't think of. I just don't want to take the time to remember the 100 archetypes since RS came out.

Arcanine out.
Rayquaza EX (DR) was a beast. That's the best unless you only count stand-alone cards, and in that case I'd say Flygon EX d. As far as support goes, Blastoise EX.
first find the old threads and see what there answers are also start replying to treads instead of making ons that already exsist.

and my the best ex is flygon ex d. and thats what i put in the old thread to
Gardevoir Ex (Ss), Mew Ex (Lm), Blaziken Ex (MvA), Flygon Ex (Df), Rocket's Sneasel Ex (Trr) and probably some others as well.
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