Best G&G counter out there?


That's Right
A while ago I came up with this deck, Venomoth+Mothim (yes, I'm taking credit for it considering I was the first person to post it :p) and after looking at it closer, I realized that it could be a great G&G counter...Both Pokemon are resistant to Gallade, and Venomoth's attack is like a bulit in Holon WP. So good counter? Yes/No?
I think it would probably work better just 4-4 Venemoth.
But aside from preferences, I think yes, it's a good counter.
Banette doesn't seem to get into that deck. Energy/Strategy issues.

The thing about both Venomoth and Mothim is that Gallade still only needs to flip 2 prizes for the KO. And neither will easily 2HKO Gallade. Their low HP is their downfall.
^R-gon isn't even a deck anymore. Best counter right now is a consistant deck that can go toe-to-toe with them (bannette/blissey are two...yes, blissey.)
Only 2 decks can counter G&G, which are BanBliss and t2B, Venomoth only stops Gallade's first attack, he can very well kill you with flipping prizes.
Papi/Manny said:
^R-gon isn't even a deck anymore. Best counter right now is a consistant deck that can go toe-to-toe with them (bannette/blissey are two...yes, blissey.)

even if r-gon not used maganium , and flyex d. is still pretty good for g&g and blissey..
^Maganium? And no, it loses horribley to blissey and G&G. What do you send up against blissey? One of your exs that it 2 shots, therefore it wins? Flygon d that gets 1 shoted due to weakness? Mew*/mew d, which can hit for 50 at the most before it dies? Eggs hits for 100 before it goes boom, so you would have run a 4-4 to go toe-to-toe with them.
Mawile GE, Muk SW, Alakazam MT/Shitfry ex and a 1-0-1 Blasty d with some BP would work. Muk just PWNs their faces' in, Mawile makes gallade useless (if you play holon WP which works well here) Zam/Shiftry hurt teleportaation and Telepass and Blasty stops lame weaknesses. Banettte is good, but just tooo inconsistent with mulligans(and techs slow it down against G&G).
Mawile is terribad... yeah so what if u flip over one prize.... they'll just KO your mawile back, and you give them a free prize ...
The absolute best Gallade counter, of course, is not Modified-legal:

Petrelli said:
Actually, they can.

hehe, with a god start. And ANY deck with a god start could also do that. Reducing the damage they can do while at the same time possibling getting extra supporters is now laughing matter. I mean, throw a BP on mawile when they can get out Gallade (T3 most times) and that's 4 prizes gone just to KO your starter. So they get a prize. Who cares? It's for the greater good.

Chairman: Hell yeah. G&G dies in unlimeted :p
Gallade could always send you back to the bench, forcing you to waste an energy drop to retreat and use Mawile again.
Yes, I have in fact. I think Banette is actually quite a good counter. You just need to be WAY lucky and get 2+ of your Shuppets. Holon Energy WP is disruptive, and is a must in an Empoleon deck, and Wormadam Sandy Cloak isn't cruddy either.