Best Mewtwo Counter?


Urusai Urusai Urusai
Hey people,

what's the best Mewtwo counter in your opinion?
It must be suitable for a SP deck, something else than Ninetales.
Any ideas?
Mismagius SF. It discards Tools/TM's, and does more damage for each one you do discard. Psychic Stage-1 as well. Plus no energy.
Thanks, that's what I was looking for. Really thank you ^.^ Can be closed now.
banette IMO. doesn't discard your energy gains which can help you. it does cost energy though, depends what your looking for.
Well,if they dont play any then its not gonna be of much use.
But Mismagius > Banette IMO. It attacks for free and can be usefull against Porygon-Z.
Dialga G Lv.X. Without its Poke-Body, Mewtwo is no longer a threat. You don't have to waste an attack with it, either, or Energy for that matter.
Dialga G is epic fail against Flygon. Also I could get in throuble with retreating it, plus I can't get one :p
I guess I'll go with Miasmagius.
No I strongly agree with Dialga G Lv X. Sure it has 2 for retreat, but with a champions room its only one. Also, many flygon decks use some sort of psychic card. Like Gardevoir.

But either way, Dialga doesnt have to be for attacking. His Body works from the bench you know. Thats why you drag up THEIR claydol or Nidoqueen which has a high retreat cost and with flygons body turned off, they better pray they draw a warp point.
Here's a list of the top 10(in no order)
Ninetales MT, works well in only about 2 SP decks but gets the job done.
Mismagius PL,stops Gigaburn and very good against other stuff too.
Dialga G LV.X, Body Lock+ATTACK
Bannette PL, discarding can hurt a little bit
Vibrava RR ,couldn't come up w/ another one but here's why-After Giga burn you will prolly end up doing at least 60 and prolly more especially late game. Not great but can be annoying.
Shedinja-ca't be hurt nuff said.
Mewtwo LV.X, doesn't counter it but could stall it out FTW.
Absol G LV.X W/Snowpoint Temple-he can't be one shot w/ Gigaburn and can snipe him too.
Go Mewtwo LvX, then just keep Bright Looking up weaker Pokemon. That is how Austin Hanna does it, AKA 2nd place kid at Nats.