There’s a lot of really good one prize attackers now such as Zapdos, Granbull, and Zoroark, but which one do you think is the most consistent?
Donphan plain and simple no more ZoroarkThere’s a lot of really good one prize attackers now such as Zapdos, Granbull, and Zoroark, but which one do you think is the most consistent?
Calling Granbull "consistent" when you need a whole deck built around it of nothing but consistency cards and energy feels a bit weird, it's not that Granbull itself is consistent, but the deck does its job and it's hard to brick too bad when you've got Magcargo and Oranguru to help out. I'd consider it best right now, both overall and of the three you listed, which don't even have the number 2 or 3 slot in my book. (Lost march and Giratina/Malamar do, and maybe not in that order.)
Zapdos needs electropower support to hit meaningful numbers and there's no good way to recycle those, while Zoroark... do you mean the stand in one? Great card, but great because it evolves from the same thing and uses the same energy as Zoroark-GX while only giving up one prize, it's a bit lacking on its own and not super difficult to play around.