Best Place online to order a booster box?


the original tokémon
Hey I'm looking into purchasing a booster box and i was curious where i could maybe find the best deal? and what box should i get? I assume most will say HGSS but i dont really have much of a collection so i was curious what you guys thought would be best, thanks
I am going to say, like you thought people would say, get a HG/SS box. There are many highly sought after cards currently in the set that you can trade that can help you extend your collection.
I would get either HG/SS or RR. HG/SS has quite a few useful trainers and Energies (DCE, Pokemon Collector, Pokemon Communication, Pokegear, Copycat) as well as useful attackers like Jumpluff and Donphan Prime. It also has useful techs like Blissey Prime, Feraliagr Prime and Noctowl. The box ratios are also high, so you will have a lot of Primes and Legends you csn trade for cards you need.
RR also has a few notable trainers (SP Radar, Bebe's Search, Volkner's Philosophy) but it also has some of the best cardsin the format. If you get either Flygon Lv.x or Luxray GL Lv.x, you can either use them or trade them for something. It also has Nidoqueen and Raichu GL, which are pretty useful.
So I would pick HG/SS if you're looking for staples, and RR if you're looking for attackers.
Gatheringground has the lowest price for booster box of any set. However, if you are new customer you need to call them just to get your order process.