Best Pokemon deck ratio?

It really does depend on the decks itself as most decks rely on a few certain pokemon to pull off a strategy but as a rough guess, i would say

19-24 Pokemon
24-?? T/S/S (what ever space you have left goes into this)
11-14 Energy
Faster decks run more near

20 pokemon

30 trainers

10 or less energy

The trainers are the glue of any deck, and should almost always be the most abundant group.
Really depends on your deck. Flygon or Plox for example have some more like 25-27, other decks like SP might only run 20 down to 8-10 for Kricketune decks..if you ever face one.
Soul Seeker said:
Really depends on your deck. Flygon or Plox for example have some more like 25-27, other decks like SP might only run 20 down to 8-10 for Kricketune decks..if you ever face one.

Since when has anyone ran a Kricketune deck ever? Anyway I run 24, but a lot of them are techs, Uxie Azelf Claydol Slowking Unown G Etc...
I think the average deck runs 20-26 pokemon. And ive never seen a kriatune deck because gyarados is better.
X_empoleon_X said:
It really does depend on the decks itself as most decks rely on a few certain pokemon to pull off a strategy but as a rough guess, i would say

19-24 Pokemon
24-?? T/S/S (what ever space you have left goes into this)
11-14 Energy

I'm inclined to agree more with this...but it really does all depend on the deck you're building and your particular playstyle
Vulpix Yolk said:
Since when has anyone ran a Kricketune deck ever? Anyway I run 24, but a lot of them are techs, Uxie Azelf Claydol Slowking Unown G Etc...

When Mysteriuous Treasures was new and Dragon Frontier was still legal, Kricketune was played in my area. It won a BRs in my area. I got second at that one with something rogue.
dragonexpert said:
When Mysteriuous Treasures was new and Dragon Frontier was still legal, Kricketune was played in my area. It won a BRs in my area. I got second at that one with something rogue.

That was b4 Gyrados came out tho :/
It's the down-graded version of Gyrados from the past