What's the best number of Pokemon to run in a deck? 21, 24, or 26? I'm just curious that's all.
Soul Seeker said:Really depends on your deck. Flygon or Plox for example have some more like 25-27, other decks like SP might only run 20 down to 8-10 for Kricketune decks..if you ever face one.
X_empoleon_X said:It really does depend on the decks itself as most decks rely on a few certain pokemon to pull off a strategy but as a rough guess, i would say
19-24 Pokemon
24-?? T/S/S (what ever space you have left goes into this)
11-14 Energy
Vulpix Yolk said:Since when has anyone ran a Kricketune deck ever? Anyway I run 24, but a lot of them are techs, Uxie Azelf Claydol Slowking Unown G Etc...
dragonexpert said:When Mysteriuous Treasures was new and Dragon Frontier was still legal, Kricketune was played in my area. It won a BRs in my area. I got second at that one with something rogue.