Best Price Guide?


Cooler than a Bose-Einstein Condensate
What is the best source for seeing the price of pokemon cards (i.e. Beckett Pokemon)? In other words, the best reliable price guide. :)
There really isn't a full guide too reliable. That has a little. Look at ebay for others.
Four little letters: ebay. The price of cards fluctuates so much that a price guide is obsolete the moment its printed.
I generally check eBay via Completed Listings to get an general idea of card pricing. I'm not sure how far back you can check, but I think it's a nice way to keep track of a card's worth as new sets come out.
As they mentioned, Ebay.

What I personally do is view the Completed Listings (you need to have an account in order to view this), and note all the prices of the card that I'm looking for. Then I calculate the average of all the completed sells. You could give or take a few dollars in order of need/popularity/etc. That's just a rule that I go by.