Best release decks.


Aspiring Trainer
Without URs, what do you think are the best you can pull to win a release?
I really like the Fairies, Gardevoir's ability it's just awesome, and i you can manage to Whimsicott as well, it would be awesome. What do you think?
For sealed in general, particularly Sneaks, you shouldn't really be pinning your hopes on getting a certain Rare. Much less a Stage 2 that you got a usable line of. Even if you did pull something like a decent 2-2-1 line (I actually did pull a 2-2-1 Metagross line, and opted not to use it), given the lack of draw and search cards, the odds of you getting it off a lot of the time is low, so it's difficult to recommend focusing on such a card in any event. The more logical choices are the Commons and Uncommons that can be really threatening. Cards like Whimsicott, Golurk, Ariados, and even stuff like Persian and Quagsire, are the likely MVPs.