Best replacement for Victory Medal??


Aspiring Trainer
What would be the best replacement for Victory Medal?? The car is around 20-25each on ebay. Not sure I want to spend that much, but if I have to, then I guess I must.

Let me know what you think thanks. (If it helps Im build SableDonk)
theres really nothing other than the other stuff you would put into sabledonk
so just add in more of that
This thread belongs more in the Player's Sandbox forum, since it doesn't "pin" down the metagame.

Victory Medal is definitely better if you can get your hands on some. Maybe Pokedrawer +?
nabby101 said:
Victory Medal is definitely better if you can get your hands on some. Maybe Pokedrawer +?
Sabledonk already plays Pokedrawer+
Just put more consisntancy trainers in it.
You should run some Shuckle UD. It will be very good for teching because shuckle's awesome attacking power can help with the donk.
Jahikoi said:
You should run some Shuckle UD. It will be very good for teching because shuckle's awesome attacking power can help with the donk.

shuckle isnt in ud
and the only ones that are legal only do 30 0r 20 for 2 energy
Night Teleporter can't hurt, Night Teleporter, Uxie, set up for 7? Ah IDK it is hard to replace.
Pokedex Handy910is, Poke Drawer +, and maybe Research Record are the only good things I can think of. Night Teleporter isn't a bad idea either, but it is a tad situational.
PokéDrawer is already run, Twins (terrible idea though), dual ball is okay, pokedex 910i.
Pokemon Rescue to reuse Unown R? I assume that's not in your list yet since the Sabledonk builds I know have either Victory Medal or Pokemon Rescue.

Just a rough checklist out of my head:
4 Sableye
4 Unown R
3 Uxie
3 Crobat G
1 Unown Q
1 Unown Dark

4 Pokedrawer
4 Pokedex Handy
4 Pokeblower
4 Dual Ball
4 Poketurn
4 Junk Arm
4 Quick Ball
1 Luxury Ball
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Victory Medal/Pokemon Rescue
1 Alph Lithograph
1 Seeker
2 Expert Belt

2 Special Darkness

That's 59 cards.
Night Teleporter, and Research Record are pretty good ideas. Another one is the new B/W Pokedex. That one lets to rearrange the top 5 cards of your deck. I'm not sure if that's better than Research Record, though.