I agree with the above. The main point of a starter is to set-up. In a deck with few Supporters, are you going to want to run Sableye SF? No. If your deck has few evolutions, are you going to run TM-TS-1? No. If you want your deck to have a main attacker ready to attack on T2, are you going to use a starter? Probably not. The only exception would be Kingdra, and mostly because it can power in one turn versus two like a lot of other Pokemon.
My suggestion is to use a starter that has the best synergy with your deck and carries out what you want to do early game. If you have a lot of Supporters and need to use some of them in the early game, run Sableye SF. If you have a lot of Evolutions you need to get out ASAP, run Evoluter. If your deck needs to get out Basics quickly and can afford a Colorless energy, run Call Energy. If your deck needs the Basics but doesn't have a Colorless energy in its attack cost, run Pachirisu.
I prefer to think of Chatot as mid-game or late-game hand refreshment then a starter. What if you have a good hand, but have no other Basics in play on Turn 1? Chatot is useless.