Best starter

Whats the best starter to start with?

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There really is no answer to this question beacuse there are so many decks and some starters will work in one deck but not in others. It all depends on which deck you are playing and what you want you starter to accomplish.
I play Call Energy (4) with Furret (2-2) and it works well for me but it could only work in setup decks that have space for them.
In one deck I have Call Energy, in another I used to use Sableye, and now I have 2 decks that don't run any of the choices you listed. So I'm pretty sure that everyone else that posts here will agree that there is no BEST starter.
I agree with the above. The main point of a starter is to set-up. In a deck with few Supporters, are you going to want to run Sableye SF? No. If your deck has few evolutions, are you going to run TM-TS-1? No. If you want your deck to have a main attacker ready to attack on T2, are you going to use a starter? Probably not. The only exception would be Kingdra, and mostly because it can power in one turn versus two like a lot of other Pokemon.

My suggestion is to use a starter that has the best synergy with your deck and carries out what you want to do early game. If you have a lot of Supporters and need to use some of them in the early game, run Sableye SF. If you have a lot of Evolutions you need to get out ASAP, run Evoluter. If your deck needs to get out Basics quickly and can afford a Colorless energy, run Call Energy. If your deck needs the Basics but doesn't have a Colorless energy in its attack cost, run Pachirisu.

I prefer to think of Chatot as mid-game or late-game hand refreshment then a starter. What if you have a good hand, but have no other Basics in play on Turn 1? Chatot is useless.
Sableye... SW :D
Honestly, starters aren't great anymore. Call Energy is the only one on your list worth using (except if you mean Sableye SW). Speed formats ftw :D
Call energy if you are using a Togekiss deck. Sableye for T1 donk with your local T-Tar, or Pachirisu if your are using a T1 donk deck.

Many opinions. :D
Depends on the deck you're playing. But like z-man said, starters aren't so good anymore because everything works so fast nowadays and not to mention everything SP can't use starters. But the one-card-that-fits-all starter is absol. In my opinion, all starters somehow speed up your deck while absol just does the opposite. Ruins everything honestly.