Best Tech


Aspiring Trainer
Some friends and I were arguing about the best tech in the current modified format. We all agreed on claydol as #1 (that was a given), but other than the obvious claydol, what do you all think? I vote for Dusknoir DP, one of my friends said Skuntank G, and the other said Dialga G.
*in this sense, 'tech' means a Pokemon that stays on the bench (mostly) and/or uses it's power or body to lend support. Of course, if you think otherwise, lemme know
**Uxie doesn't count here, because the general consensus will probably be Claydol as #1 and Uxie as #2
Not as a tech for most decks but psychic and sp should run Toxicroak G, really helps against Macheap and can be easily teched(seeing as almost every deck now runs at least 2 stadiums). Not the best but very helpful.
Techs are really based on the concepts of decks. The only techs you could really argue as being one of the best would be staple ones, like claydol and uxie, which help pretty much any deck. So with that in mind, second would probably be an azleaf.
dusknoir might be good, but not in a G deck, floatzel is great, but only in a water deck, shayming is the best exept in any not grass deck.
dialga G is a miracle, but only in decks low on bodys.

so yeah, depends on the deck.