Help Best way to pull Tapu Lele GX?


Serena is too cute!
Besides buying it as a single or as multiple singles,
What is the best way to pull Tapu Lele GX?

I've heard GRI booster boxes can be iffy,
Elite T-Boxes are worse.

So besides buying singles, what is the best way to pull Tapu Lele GX?
In theory what works is to just buy more boxes, the more boxes you buy the more likely you are to obtain one.

The much better option is to just suck it up and buy singles rather than think boxes are unreliable and be buying four or five boxes to get one card you'd be spending less than half a box on.
Literally the only thing that has any effect on pulling Lele is buying a box because you are guaranteed some ultra rares. There is 0 difference when it comes to buying any other packs.

But to be clear every method sucks for getting Lele. If you can afford to get a boost box of GRI you can just buy 2 Tape Lele
The best way to pull a Tapu Lele GX is to buy a booster that contains one.
In theory what works is to just buy more boxes, the more boxes you buy the more likely you are to obtain one.

The much better option is to just suck it up and buy singles rather than think boxes are unreliable and be buying four or five boxes to get one card you'd be spending less than half a box on.

Problem is, my parents won't let me buy Lele, only let me buy stuff to pull it.

My birthday is coming up in April, so I was gonna ask for 1 GRI B-Box, 2 Zoroark GX Collection Boxes, sleeves, a few other knick knacks, So yah.
I had really good pulls with the Tapu Koko Pin Collection, in two Boxes I had a Lele and a SR Energy, and the promo is valueable.

But thats just my experience, if you buy 5 of them it could be not a single UR. A Booster Box might be the best way to pull it as it has 36 Booster.
Problem is, my parents won't let me buy Lele, only let me buy stuff to pull it.

My birthday is coming up in April, so I was gonna ask for 1 GRI B-Box, 2 Zoroark GX Collection Boxes, sleeves, a few other knick knacks, So yah.

Unless you want/need the extra cards in GRI (option A), it would be better just to ask for a Lele directly as well as the two Zoroark-GX (which for two are about the same price as one of the Shining Legends boxes) and then one GRI booster box (option B). Or save them some money and just go for the cards you need (option C).

A) 1 booster, 2 Zoroark-GX boxes=$150 and MAYBE a Lele.
B) 1 Lele regular art, 2 Zoroark-GX Full art, 1 booster=$160 and DEFINITELY 1 Lele, maybe another.
C) 2 Lele regular art, 2 Zoroark-GX Full art=$110 and definitely all the cards you wanted.
Unless you want/need the extra cards in GRI (option A), it would be better just to ask for a Lele directly as well as the two Zoroark-GX (which for two are about the same price as one of the Shining Legends boxes) and then one GRI booster box (option B). Or save them some money and just go for the cards you need (option C).

A) 1 booster, 2 Zoroark-GX boxes=$150 and MAYBE a Lele.
B) 1 Lele regular art, 2 Zoroark-GX Full art, 1 booster=$160 and DEFINITELY 1 Lele, maybe another.
C) 2 Lele regular art, 2 Zoroark-GX Full art=$110 and definitely all the cards you wanted.

Option B looks Nice.
I've actually had fantastic luck with ETBs... The only GRI ETB I bought had both a regular and FA Lele but like, I know that's waaaaaay luckier than I'll ever be again in my entire life

Honestly boxes are the best bet, but if you can clarify to your parents why exactly you want to get the single/two card(s) that you'll certainly use instead of potentially 360 cards that you know you won't use... That may be enough to convince them to grab a couple copies instead of spending money on a bunch of packs. The next most expensive card (not counting Gold rares that have an alternate print that's several times cheaper than the GR version...) is Decidueye or Sylveon GX RR, which floats around $14 USD. Counting lowest rarity instead, Lycanroc GX is the most expensive card coming in at ~$5.

If you explain it to them in a worst-case scenario where the only valuable cards you pull are a handfull of ~5 dollar cards (that won't even cover the cost of ONE Lele-GX), they might be more convinced that a Lele GX or two make a lot more sense.
The best way to get a Lele is to just buy them. You need to sit down and have a talk to your parents about economics. A ETB can be as much a 40ish bucks with tax and booster boxes can be more, floating between 90 and 120, depending on where you buy. If they are willing to spend that money for any of those products with the hope of you getting one, you can convince them to buy the card for that same price.
Go and buy the card at [preferred online card re seller of your choice]
The best way to get a Lele is to just buy them. You need to sit down and have a talk to your parents about economics. A ETB can be as much a 40ish bucks with tax and booster boxes can be more, floating between 90 and 120, depending on where you buy. If they are willing to spend that money for any of those products with the hope of you getting one, you can convince them to buy the card for that same price.

I guess I can try.

You need to sit down and have a talk to your parents about economics.
I died of laughter when I read that.
Ask for cash, send cash to me, I send lele to you in unsuspicous box
( just kidding (not(not)))
Buy boxes with a promo you want. So...Just get zoro collections
or find someone willing to give a lele + 360 bulk + 5 bad GXs for 140
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I guess I can try.

I died of laughter when I read that.
Of course the economics are very simple; the card is rare to pull and is used in multiples in pretty much every deck due to the competitive edge it grants. Simple supply and demand which everyone already understands. On a side note, you may want to buy some Worlds deck Lele's to use as proxies (Or just buy the Gardevoir deck, which I think has 3 in it). My local league allows them as long as you have opaque sleeves and can produce the real cards. This way you can avoid thrashing your cards. Assuming your league is down for that of course.
The trick is to buy a gri pack chanting lele then go to sleep with the pack under your pillow count leles to fall asleep when you wake up pray to lele and then after all of that accept lele as your lord and savior. Doing this will eventually lead to a lele being opened from a pack
I once got a Lele and Alolan Ninetales GX out of a Triple Blister pack, but I would not recommend it. I opened a Zoro GX box at Christmas and I got nothing out of it aside from a Shining Rayquaza (yuck) and the promos, but it was a good investment on the Zoroark front, as I now have a playset of the Promo arts. My advice would be to find a trusted seller on eBay, as that tends to be where you find it cheapest. You find everything cheapest on eBay.
Let me put it this way, I didn't pull a Shaymin-EX out of a pack until well past the infamous reprint of Roaring Skies. By that time, I had purchased playsets of the regular and full arts (as the price crashed near rotation time). So, yeah. Just acquire the singles directly. There is no magic method or we'd all be doing it already.