Best Wishes Video Clips


Yeah, I know we already have a B/W thread, but it's clogged with spam and kiddies insisting that Ash is gone 4evar!1!1!, so I'm making a shiny new one.

The topic is this: . Some great vids there.
Also, this is Ash's new costume reveal:

A few points I'd like to make:

1. Holy WOW the new graphics look absolutely amazing. Look at the attacks and tell me you aren't in love. Either Pikachu learns two new moves, or Thunder and Iron Tail have been massively updated. Either way, wow.

2. Ash's new getup is so much win. My new favourite, in fact. The fact that he now has coloured eyes will take a bit of getting used to, but I really like it.

3. Homage to the original series. See that video clip where he spins his hat backwards and then throws the Pokéball like a baseball player? Just like he used to do in the original series. Heart.

4. Ash catches pigeon thingy. I guess that was pretty much a given. And I think he gets the otter, but I'm not sure.

5. Squee.

1. Wow! I was amazed when I saw how they looked. And that's only 2 moves! If only the games could be filled with win...:( My wanting for an actual Ash(not Red) to be in the games is back.

2. I don't mind the colored eyes, they look pretty cool, same with his outfit.

3.Yeah, I have high hopes for this series, but I'll settle for anything, as long as Ash is back. XP Did you see his hat fall off partly? I just noticed it and saw how much the anime was updated!

4. Same.
i totally agree with you.!
Except i really dont see him with mijumaru..., even though all the hints were there.
and the attacks are awesome.!
that iron tail actually looked like a steel tail.! XD mamepato got pwned.!
not like dp were most of the physical attacks just glowed. like pikachu's tail for an example.
all else is good again.!
espicially since they said best wishes was gonna be a little faster pased then dp was. thank god no more usless side stories. XD
The new attack animation quality is excellent, however I'm not impressed with seeing it on Pikachu lol. But I'm glad they are actually doing interesting stuff with the moves instead of just generic glowing, I can't wait to see stuff like Meguroko and Desukan in action with that caliber of animation.

I'm actually really interested in this season for several reasons, because of the new animation quality, as well as liking many of the B/W Pokemon. However, if this has Team Rocket again, I may lose interest like I did way back during the Johto Journeys. I love Jessie, James and Meowth as characters, but NOT as reoccuring villians for the twelfth freaking season in a row, in the same old stale useless Pokemon capuring routine.

The new fast paced thing also gets my hopes for this series. If it ends up living up to my expectations, this will be the first Pokemon series I've regularly watched since the first half of the Johto Journeys lol.
3 things:
1-i dont really care for ashs new outfit, too much white imo, but im jealous of his shoes
2-the new iron tail looks kewl
3-i think the wotter is ash's, the serplant is shooti's or dento's and the pignite is iris's