Best Yanmega combo?

Which is the best Yanmega combo?

  • YaNmEGa suxs!1! KinGDra sOoo much betr!!1!

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Blue Thunder

so long!
I am trying to decide which Yanmega deck to run. I am deciding between these three:

Yanmega and Froslass
Yanmega and Bronzong
Yanmega and Jumpluff

Each have there pros and I come to you fellow PokeBeachers to determine which one is best.
Bronzong is the best out of that list. Froslass is amazing but is bleh with yanmega (only slows it down). Something like wailord/cresslia/yanmega/bronzong/tm devolver sounds like it could give people headaches.
What about Yanegma/Dragonite? Or Yanegma/Dodrio? (though that ain't the best place for Dodrio)

Out of that list, Yanzong, definitely. Yan's attack makes Bronzong's attack almost exactly the same (and of course, Bronzong has that brilliant Poke-Body).
I completely forgot about NakiHatter when making this poll.

Well, Dodrio isn't as good with AMU being quite common. And you are right, there are better places for Dodrio then Yanmega. (With Aggron ex it would rule, but Aggron ex is no longer in format so....)
Wait, NakiHatter? Dragonite/yanamega is called NakiHatter? Where the hell did the creativity go? I mean, sure, plox ruined one season, but seriously....Anyways, 4 energy=terrible.
The strategy is to stall with Yanegma's Sonic Wave (For NO energies), while loading up Dragonite's attack...

So 4 energies isn't so terrible. It's still not great, though.
:/ And then after your first nite dies? You're sacing alot of pokes to hopefully draw multiple prizes.
Its not the best deck EVER, but its interesting to play with. I just don't like to gamble with coins when I'm attacking.
As such, I like Yanmega-Bronzong, although the best Stage 2 Techs for it (Ampharos!) are hard to use due to the fact that that'd require candy SPECIFICALLY for them. Not what I favor.
Secretsof2113 said:
You don't bring up nite until you need to. Try building, or playing against the deck. It does work.
If thats how it runs, I'd much rather run it nite/chomp. Chomp can easily spread just as much as yanmega (while hitting for prizes) but mostly keeps a steady train of nites coming to flip for prizes.