BET or GC?


Advanced Member
I'm buying a few booster packs on eBay. The seller has 1st ED BET and 1st ED GC. Which one should I get? I'd rather get all the same kind.
Depends on the deck you want to built. Pokémon [SP] decks need both to be honest. DPt1 has Rampados in case you want a fast beatdown deck. Combined with Lucario this deck can be rather nice.
I'm not really sure. I can get the ENG GC cards in a month, but BET won't come out in ENG for a while. I'm leaning towards BET.
BET has more collection value IMO. Because of the 4 and GL cards.
Platinum is out in a month anyway. The onlt difference is it has cards taken from IFDS and has bad looking shiny Pokémon.