Bewear-GX — Colorless — 210 HP
Stage 1 — Evolves from Stufful
[C][C][C] Bear Hug: 80 damage. The Defending Pokémon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.
[C][C][C][C] Double Impact: 100× damage. Flip 2 coins. This attack does 100 damage for each heads.
[C][C][C][C] Big Throw GX: Discard your opponent’s Active Pokémon and all cards attached to it. (You can’t use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)
Pokémon-GX rule: When your Pokémon-GX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Fighting ×2
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: 3
Stage 1 — Evolves from Stufful
[C][C][C] Bear Hug: 80 damage. The Defending Pokémon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn.
[C][C][C][C] Double Impact: 100× damage. Flip 2 coins. This attack does 100 damage for each heads.
[C][C][C][C] Big Throw GX: Discard your opponent’s Active Pokémon and all cards attached to it. (You can’t use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)
Pokémon-GX rule: When your Pokémon-GX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Fighting ×2
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: 3
I've been doing a bunch of secret testing with some friends of mine, and I think I found a new meta-defining deck. I know it sounds silly, but hear me out. Bewear GX is busted.
For those who don't know, bewear is a 210 hp gx, which is pretty good, and has the attack bear hug. It does 80 damage for 3 colorless, which is easy to get with steven's resolve (I haven't tested a vikavolt list yet). This attack also says that the defending pokemon can't attack their next turn. This is an amazing attack vs zoroark because it means that they have to guzma or discard a DCE to retreat and attack. It's second attack for 4 colorless, double impact, isn't great, but if you're lucky with coin flips (aka no one), you can do 230 with choice band, which kills pretty much everything. It's GX attack for 4 colorless, Big Throw GX, let's you discard your opponent's active pokemon. This attack is great vs any deck that has to set up a lot of energy (like buzzwole or rayquaza).
I highly recommend buying your bewears now, and if you don't believe me, test it out for yourself. It is really fun and has great matchups vs every meta deck at the moment.
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