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Big Bang Theory (M Heracross / Dusknoir)


Frontier Brain
Pokemon: 17

  • 2x Heracross EX FUF
    2x M Heracross EX FUF
    2x Duskull FLF
    1x Dusclops FLF
    2x Dusknoir FLF
    2x Virizion EX PLB
    2x Cherubi LGT
    2x Cherrim PLS
    1x Sigilyph LGT
    1x Mr. Mime
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32

  • 1x Scramble Switch
    3x Rare Candy
    4x Pokemon Fan Club
    1x Evosoda
    2x Professor's Letter
    3x Ultra Ball
    1x Escape Rope
    1x Switch
    2x Lysandre
    4x Professor Juniper
    3x Colress
    2x N
    2x Hard Charm
    2x Training Center
    2x Startling Megaphone
    2x Super Potion
Energy: 11

  • 8x Grass Energy
    2x Psychic Energy
    1x Herbal Energy

Simple: Use Virizion EX Emerald Slash to set up a M Heracross and sweep while keeping damage off of it with Dusknoir. You can use Sigilyph to stall while you mega evolve and Cherrim is to heal damage off of M Heracross.
RE: Big Bang Theory (M Heracross/ Dusknoir)

You might want to consider using the new Robo Substitute rather than Sigilyph