Pokemon: 17
Simple: Use Virizion EX Emerald Slash to set up a M Heracross and sweep while keeping damage off of it with Dusknoir. You can use Sigilyph to stall while you mega evolve and Cherrim is to heal damage off of M Heracross.
2x Heracross EX FUF
2x M Heracross EX FUF
2x Duskull FLF
1x Dusclops FLF
2x Dusknoir FLF
2x Virizion EX PLB
2x Cherubi LGT
2x Cherrim PLS
1x Sigilyph LGT
1x Mr. Mime
1x Scramble Switch
3x Rare Candy
4x Pokemon Fan Club
1x Evosoda
2x Professor's Letter
3x Ultra Ball
1x Escape Rope
1x Switch
2x Lysandre
4x Professor Juniper
3x Colress
2x N
2x Hard Charm
2x Training Center
2x Startling Megaphone
2x Super Potion
8x Grass Energy
2x Psychic Energy
1x Herbal Energy
Simple: Use Virizion EX Emerald Slash to set up a M Heracross and sweep while keeping damage off of it with Dusknoir. You can use Sigilyph to stall while you mega evolve and Cherrim is to heal damage off of M Heracross.