Experience: Veteran
Strategy I said most things, but what you try to do is hit for weakness against the Meta and shut off abilities in the process. I have found fairy garden SO helpful and great, why 1 Virbank and no other switch besides float stone. I would like advice for this please.
Edited to coincide with the rules!
- 2 Yveltal ex (OOPH)
- 2 Trubbish
- 2 Garbodor (Better against abilities, none have abilities except Bouff)
- 1 Pikachu
- 1 Raichu (Yveltal tech, only one because thundurus)
- 1 Bouffalant (non-ex attacker)
- 1 Eevee
- 1 Leafeon (Keldeo tech, non-ex)
- 1 Rayquaza (BKEX, Rayboar)
- 1 Victini ex (Virgen)
- 1 Cobalion ex (Kyurem/ Fairy)
- 1 Thundurus ex
- 1 Xerneas ex
- 4 Professor Juniper (staple/ draw)
- 3 N (staple/ draw)
- 1 Dowsing Machine
- 2 Pokemon Catcher
- 3 Ultra ball (search)
- 1 Colress
- 1 Super rod
- 3 Float Stone (Garb)
- 2 Fairy Garden (free reatreat without darkrai)
- 4 Hypnotoxic laser (extra damage for weakness)
- 2 Skyla (search)
- 1 Virbank city gym (lasers)
- 3 Muscle band
- 1 Tool Scrapper (G booster and stuff)
- 4 Rainbow
- 4 Prism
- 4 DCE
- 1 Fairy (Free retreat)
Strategy I said most things, but what you try to do is hit for weakness against the Meta and shut off abilities in the process. I have found fairy garden SO helpful and great, why 1 Virbank and no other switch besides float stone. I would like advice for this please.
Edited to coincide with the rules!