• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Big-Basic Toolbox


I love being bad
Experience: Veteran

  • 2 Yveltal ex (OOPH)
  • 2 Trubbish
  • 2 Garbodor (Better against abilities, none have abilities except Bouff)
  • 1 Pikachu
  • 1 Raichu (Yveltal tech, only one because thundurus)
  • 1 Bouffalant (non-ex attacker)
  • 1 Eevee
  • 1 Leafeon (Keldeo tech, non-ex)
  • 1 Rayquaza (BKEX, Rayboar)
  • 1 Victini ex (Virgen)
  • 1 Cobalion ex (Kyurem/ Fairy)
  • 1 Thundurus ex
  • 1 Xerneas ex
  • 4 Professor Juniper (staple/ draw)
  • 3 N (staple/ draw)
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher
  • 3 Ultra ball (search)
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Super rod
  • 3 Float Stone (Garb)
  • 2 Fairy Garden (free reatreat without darkrai)
  • 4 Hypnotoxic laser (extra damage for weakness)
  • 2 Skyla (search)
  • 1 Virbank city gym (lasers)
  • 3 Muscle band
  • 1 Tool Scrapper (G booster and stuff)
  • 4 Rainbow
  • 4 Prism
  • 4 DCE
  • 1 Fairy (Free retreat)

Strategy I said most things, but what you try to do is hit for weakness against the Meta and shut off abilities in the process. I have found fairy garden SO helpful and great, why 1 Virbank and no other switch besides float stone. I would like advice for this please.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

My first reaction is that your Tool Box will have difficulties with energy management - i.e., getting the right energy onto the Poké when you need it. I can envision your energy being distributed across multiple Poké and perhaps not in the quantity when needed. Especially if your opponet has different Poké types in his/her deck.

Also, you have no energy attachment acceleration either. With manual energy attachment, I can see you playing from behind easily against the top decks, because I'm not sure how you could "keep up" with other players getting multiple energy into play during each turn.

What have been the results from your playtesting?
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

I think that when you make a Tool Box you have to focus on Tool Box, you can't have a lot of Pokémon there, and it will be hard for you to charge a Pokémon.

This is not a Tool Box deck, you need more Tools.
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

Eron said:
I think that when you make a Tool Box you have to focus on Tool Box, you can't have a lot of Pokémon there, and it will be hard for you to charge a Pokémon.

This is not a Tool Box deck, you need more Tools.

TOOLS? When I say tools I mean different pokemon, not tools as in the items. Haven't you seen the other toolboxes?

My first reaction is that your Tool Box will have difficulties with energy management - i.e., getting the right energy onto the Poké when you need it. I can envision your energy being distributed across multiple Poké and perhaps not in the quantity when needed. Especially if your opponet has different Poké types in his/her deck.

Also, you have no energy attachment acceleration either. With manual energy attachment, I can see you playing from behind easily against the top decks, because I'm not sure how you could "keep up" with other players getting multiple energy into play during each turn.

What have been the results from your playtesting?

This deck has consistency at the end, but has a hard time in the middle of games. Thundurus can be acceleration, but yeah, you are mostly right. I NEED suggestions PLEASE. But thanks so far. And what do you think I should put in/ take out?
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

Ahm. Whar iz yr aromatisse? It works better than garbodor in this deck as you have many attackers and you are adjusting to what you are playing. Also, tool box kinda means tools. Box just as itself means pokemon, so in this case it would be: Big Basics.box . Aromatisse. You need aromatisse.
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

zavtac said:
Ahm. Whar iz yr aromatisse? It works better than garbodor in this deck as you have many attackers and you are adjusting to what you are playing. Also, tool box kinda means tools. Box just as itself means pokemon, so in this case it would be: Big Basics.box . Aromatisse. You need aromatisse.

I'm not playing that. It is more of a big basics garb deck (hence the name) and I personally found Keldeo/ rayboar has a FIELD DAY against Aromatisse. I don't like Aromatisse, so I play garb and ability-less (except bouffalant) pokemon.

P.S. Grammar? Please?

I've seen his other posts. He was joking. ~Kecleon

Thank you Kecleon.
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

*Facepalm* Blastoise and Rayboar have a field day against nearly every big basic variant, including ones such as yours with garbodor. I prefer aromatisse in big basic.box. But i guess its opinion.
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

zavtac said:
*Facepalm* Blastoise and Rayboar have a field day against nearly every big basic variant, including ones such as yours with garbodor. I prefer aromatisse in big basic.box. But i guess its opinion.

Yeah but the garb helps. And what about the darkgarb that won for so long against some of these decks?
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

Have you considered running Flareon over or as well as Victini? I feel like the fact that you already run Eevee makes it a nice addition. Plus, if you're facing a certain deck, you aren't going to be using some Pokemon. For instance, if you're facing a VirGen, you wouldn't be wanting to use, say Rayquaza or Cobalion EX, then you discard them with Juniper or Ultra Ball and get more damage output.

Just a thought.
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

socery said:
Pokemonn (14)
  • 2 Yveltal ex (OOPH)
  • 2 Trubbish
  • 2 Garbodor (Better against abilities, none have abilities except Bouff)
  • 1 Pikachu
  • 1 Raichu (Yveltal tech, only one because thundurus)
  • 1 Bouffalant (non-ex attacker)
  • 1 Eevee
  • 1 Leafeon (Keldeo tech, non-ex)
  • 1 Rayquaza (BKEX, Rayboar)
  • 1 Victini ex (Virgen)
  • 1 Cobalion ex (Kyurem/ Fairy)
Trainers (31)
  • 4 Professor Juniper (staple/ draw)
  • 3 N (staple/ draw)
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher
  • 3 Ultra ball (search)
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Super rod
  • 3 Float Stone (Garb)
  • 2 Fairy Garden (free reatreat without darkrai)
  • 4 Hypnotoxic laser (extra damage for weakness)
  • 2 Skyla (search)
  • 1 Virbank city gym (lasers)
  • 3 Muscle band
  • 1 Tool Scrapper (G booster and stuff)
Energy (13)
  • 4 Rainbow
  • 4 Prism
  • 4 DCE
  • 1 Fairy (Free retreat)

...Thundurus can be acceleration...
First of all, what Thundurus EX? It is not in your current deck list? Also, I count only 58 cards in your current list. Even if those 2 slots were dedicated to Thundurus EX, that Poké is taking some heavy damage potentially while it's powering-up your benched Poké. So, you may be at risk of losing 2 prizes in doing so...

socery said:
I NEED suggestions PLEASE. But thanks so far. And what do you think I should put in/ take out?
Given the "toolbox" deck theme with Garbodor, I suggest the following for your consideration:

-1 Victini EX. Since you have no R energy in your deck, this Poké can't provide any energy attachment acceleration. It also has relatively "low" HP too; so, it can be 'easily" KOd for 2 prizes.
-1 Cobalion EX. IMHO, this Poké is quite useful in a FairyBox (deck very similar to yours, except no Garbodor, but Aromatisse) and Team Plasma matchups. However, it's not that useful elsewhere and it requires M energy which may not be complimentary given some thoughts regarding changes to your energy mix.
-1 Bouffalant. Not needed as much given other suggested, non-EX attackers.
-1 Pikachu. Not needed as much given other suggested, non-EX attackers. Secondly, if this or its Evolution is ever prized, you will not gain the benefit using it potentially.
-1 Raichu. Not needed as much given other suggested, non-EX attackers. Secondly, if this or its Basic is ever prized, you will not gain the benefit using it potentially.

+2 Eevee (Signs of Eeveelution - lol). These will help you get the appropriate Eeveelution for the game matchup.
+1 Leafeon. I've found this Poké to be one of the best in the format. Its damage output is exceptional given the requisite energy cost - 1 Colorless.
+1 Flareon. Another Poké that can potentially inflict some heavy damage for "low" CC energy cost.
+1 Jolteon. An L Poké whose first attack is flippy, but it fits "better" into the deck.

-1 Dowsing Machine.
+1 Scramble Switch. IMHO, this is the only way you'll be able to power-up your Ray in order to 1HKO an opponent's Rayquaza EX or BKEX. The Scramble Switch provides the "sneak" attack capability that your opponent can not see. Otherwise, your Ray sits on the bench (while you manually power it up) and your opponent can use his/her Dragon EX to KO a 1-2 of your Poké before you can ever attack with your Ray... So, given the energy requirement (type and quantity), is Ray really worth keeping? Should you decide to replay your Ray (and just concede that you'll need to 2HKO certain opponents' EX Poké, then I'd suggest you keep the Dowsing Machine and replace your Ray with Yveltal.

-2 Fairy Garden. Not really needed given proposed changes.
+1 Virbank City Gym (or Shadow Circle - nullifies Weakness if D energy is attached to your Poké) or Energy Switch.

-4 Rainbow.
+5 Dark.
-1 DCE.
+1 Professor Letter.

With those 2 slots not yet accounted for, consider adding another Yveltal (assuming you decide to replace your Ray). Yveltal can help with some energy attachment capability. Also consider adding another card-draw Supporter, like Colress.

IMHO, with the suggested changes, your deck becomes more streamlined, versatile and has some needed energy attachment acceleration.

I hope you find these further comments helpful.
RE: Big-Basic Tool box (ADVICE PLEASE)

TuxedoBlack said:
socery said:
Pokemonn (14)
  • 2 Yveltal ex (OOPH)
  • 2 Trubbish
  • 2 Garbodor (Better against abilities, none have abilities except Bouff)
  • 1 Pikachu
  • 1 Raichu (Yveltal tech, only one because thundurus)
  • 1 Bouffalant (non-ex attacker)
  • 1 Eevee
  • 1 Leafeon (Keldeo tech, non-ex)
  • 1 Rayquaza (BKEX, Rayboar)
  • 1 Victini ex (Virgen)
  • 1 Cobalion ex (Kyurem/ Fairy)
Trainers (31)
  • 4 Professor Juniper (staple/ draw)
  • 3 N (staple/ draw)
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher
  • 3 Ultra ball (search)
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 Super rod
  • 3 Float Stone (Garb)
  • 2 Fairy Garden (free reatreat without darkrai)
  • 4 Hypnotoxic laser (extra damage for weakness)
  • 2 Skyla (search)
  • 1 Virbank city gym (lasers)
  • 3 Muscle band
  • 1 Tool Scrapper (G booster and stuff)
Energy (13)
  • 4 Rainbow
  • 4 Prism
  • 4 DCE
  • 1 Fairy (Free retreat)

...Thundurus can be acceleration...
First of all, what Thundurus EX? It is not in your current deck list? Also, I count only 58 cards in your current list. Even if those 2 slots were dedicated to Thundurus EX, that Poké is taking some heavy damage potentially while it's powering-up your benched Poké. So, you may be at risk of losing 2 prizes in doing so...

socery said:
I NEED suggestions PLEASE. But thanks so far. And what do you think I should put in/ take out?
Given the "toolbox" deck theme with Garbodor, I suggest the following for your consideration:

-1 Victini EX. Since you have no R energy in your deck, this Poké can't provide any energy attachment acceleration. It also has relatively "low" HP too; so, it can be 'easily" KOd for 2 prizes.
-1 Cobalion EX. IMHO, this Poké is quite useful in a FairyBox (deck very similar to yours, except no Garbodor, but Aromatisse) and Team Plasma matchups. However, it's not that useful elsewhere and it requires M energy which may not be complimentary given some thoughts regarding changes to your energy mix.
-1 Bouffalant. Not needed as much given other suggested, non-EX attackers.
-1 Pikachu. Not needed as much given other suggested, non-EX attackers. Secondly, if this or its Evolution is ever prized, you will not gain the benefit using it potentially.
-1 Raichu. Not needed as much given other suggested, non-EX attackers. Secondly, if this or its Basic is ever prized, you will not gain the benefit using it potentially.

+2 Eevee (Signs of Eeveelution - lol). These will help you get the appropriate Eeveelution for the game matchup.
+1 Leafeon. I've found this Poké to be one of the best in the format. Its damage output is exceptional given the requisite energy cost - 1 Colorless.
+1 Flareon. Another Poké that can potentially inflict some heavy damage for "low" CC energy cost.
+1 Jolteon. An L Poké whose first attack is flippy, but it fits "better" into the deck.

-1 Dowsing Machine.
+1 Scramble Switch. IMHO, this is the only way you'll be able to power-up your Ray in order to 1HKO an opponent's Rayquaza EX or BKEX. The Scramble Switch provides the "sneak" attack capability that your opponent can not see. Otherwise, your Ray sits on the bench (while you manually power it up) and your opponent can use his/her Dragon EX to KO a 1-2 of your Poké before you can ever attack with your Ray... So, given the energy requirement (type and quantity), is Ray really worth keeping? Should you decide to replay your Ray (and just concede that you'll need to 2HKO certain opponents' EX Poké, then I'd suggest you keep the Dowsing Machine and replace your Ray with Yveltal.

-2 Fairy Garden. Not really needed given proposed changes.
+1 Virbank City Gym (or Shadow Circle - nullifies Weakness if D energy is attached to your Poké) or Energy Switch.

-4 Rainbow.
+5 Dark.
-1 DCE.
+1 Professor Letter.

With those 2 slots not yet accounted for, consider adding another Yveltal (assuming you decide to replace your Ray). Yveltal can help with some energy attachment capability. Also consider adding another card-draw Supporter, like Colress.

IMHO, with the suggested changes, your deck becomes more streamlined, versatile and has some needed energy attachment acceleration.

I hope you find these further comments helpful.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your time and comments. Yeah, I forgot to put in the thundurus and xerneas exs. I will bump them in.