Big Basics Deck


Pokémon Professor
Because I'm playig with the leftover cards from my family, I was thinking about a big Basics Deck.
I'm planning on becomming a judge in a few months, so I'm not going to play a lot.
So a budget deck for when I'm playing is welcome.
Any Ideas?
We have these EX pokemon at the moment:

5 Kangaskhan EX
4 M Kangaskhan EX
1 Excadrill EX
1 Hawalucha EX
2 Zekrom EX
3 Magnazone EX
3 Emolga EX
2 Meloetta EX
1 Toxicroak EX
2 Mewtwo EX
1 White Kyurem EX
2 M Venusaur EX
3 Venusaur EX
1 Heracross EX
1 M Heracross EX
1 Charizard EX
2 M Charizard EX
2 Delphox EX
2 Victini EX
4 Xerneas EX
3 Florges EX
2 Blastoise EX
2 M Blastoise EX
2 Greninja EX
2 Aegislash EX
1 Skarmory EX
1 Cobalion EX
That's the deck I just broke up because I didn't like how it plays. LOL ;). I had a problem with the fighting decks and nobody has weakness for colorless....
Well then. Maybe M Blastoise EX with Greninja and Greninja EX could be a good deck for you, or you could just make a big basics deck with Mewtwo EX, Cobalion EX, Aegislash EX, Skarmory EX, and M Kangaskan as your Pyroar counter. You could also add in cards like heatran and cobalion as non ex attackers.
Yeah, if you don't want to play Aromatisse or a Florgess deck (which by the cards you have is one of the best options) I would recomend you some kind of steel deck. You can just add some bronzongs to the mix and voila!