Bill >.<


Advanced Member
So, now that we have to run Bill as a supporter, what are we supposed to use in our unlimited decks as far as drawing cards? I have an unlimited deck that I love, but I'm already playing 4 Erika, 4 Oak, 4 Computer Search ,4 Item Finder, and I don't know what else I should use to draw cards. I mean, nothing beats straight up drawing 2 cards, but is there anything else that comes close?
I know someone that runs an unlimited deck with nothing but the old bills and plays them as trainers still.
PheonyxXx said:
I know someone that runs an unlimited deck with nothing but the old bills and plays them as trainers still.

that's sad when you have to cheat at a game that doesn't even matter
Secret Mission. It's an old trainer card w/ Lt. Surge and Raichu in the picture, I forget what set it's from, but it reads:

Look at your opponent's hand. Then, discard as many other cards from your hand as you want, and draw that many cards.
I was looking at that, and I guess it's the second best option. Stupid Bill :[
I think theres two ways of playing unlimited.

If you want to play a "classic" unlimited game just play regularly like you did back in 1999, use Bill as a trainer not a supporter. and whatnot. Just kick back and enjoy the game how it used to be.

However if you want to make unlimited actually not be a broken format, the best way to do this is any pre-supporter trainer card that is an actual person (Bill, Prof. Oak, Prof.Elm etc) is now a supporter. That alone makes unlimited more playable and fair with recent cards.