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Black Kyurem in Beast Mode


Wishes Mega Umbreon would exist
Hey guys Ive been using this deck on PTCGO and its been pretty good which surprises me. Heres the list:
Pokemon (15)
2- Keldeo EX
2- Black Kyurem EX
1- Raikou EX
4-4 Eels (Paralyze Tynamo)
2- Emolga
T/S/S (29)
4- N
4- Juniper
2- Bianca
2- Random Reciever
1- Computer Search
2- Skyarrow Bridge
4- Catcher
3- Level Ball
3- Ultra Ball
4- Switch
Energy (16)
4- Prism
4- Blend Water Fighting Steel Lighting
8- Lightning
There's no Ace Spec, bro. Not sure if Crystal Wall would be worth it or not, I think it probably would. I'd probably take out a Switch for your Ace Spec, since you have 2 Keldeo EX's already. If you don't like that, my second choice would be a lightning energy, or a Blend. If you're using Computer Search, and you don't like any of my other suggestions, you could always take out an Ultra Ball, since Computer Search is just an upgraded Ultra Ball.

Other then that, Bianca is the only other thing I'd change, I'd probably turn them into 2 Random Receiver and 2 Cheren, but that's just my Bianca-hating self for ya :p

Hope I could help.
Machamp the Champion said:
There's no Ace Spec, bro. Not sure if Crystal Wall would be worth it or not, I think it probably would. I'd probably take out a Switch for your Ace Spec, since you have 2 Keldeo EX's already. If you don't like that, my second choice would be a lightning energy, or a Blend. If you're using Computer Search, and you don't like any of my other suggestions, you could always take out an Ultra Ball, since Computer Search is just an upgraded Ultra Ball.

Other then that, Bianca is the only other thing I'd change, I'd probably turn them into 2 Random Receiver and 2 Cheren, but that's just my Bianca-hating self for ya :p

Hope I could help.

Thanks Machamp Im probaply gonna run Computer Search and I think Ill do 2 RR and 2 Bianca because I can usually draw more cards with Bianca than Cheren
Soul Seeker said:
Try Victini (Victory Star), it's pretty good with Kyurem's first attack :)

Wow thank you I totally forgot about Victini he would be perfect in here. I could also use him with Raikou and Tynamo
drop the keldeos they have no energy acceleration

-2 keldeo ex

-2 blend because thats keldeos energy

-3 switch darrkrai does the job

+2 darkrai ex free retreat

+ 2 dark energy for darkrai

+3 skyla searches out lots
hammer time! said:
drop the keldeos they have no energy acceleration

-2 keldeo ex

-2 blend because thats keldeos energy

-3 switch darrkrai does the job

+2 darkrai ex free retreat

+ 2 dark energy for darkrai

+3 skyla searches out lots

I'm pretty sure the point of Keldeo EX is so you can Switch it to the active to reset the effect Freeze Shock(?) gives to BK. With Darkrai, you'd need to set up 2 Black Kyurem's. Also, Skyla is terrible in Eels IMO. Eels just needs too much stuff to set up to only get 1 trainer each turn.
hammer time! said:
drop the keldeos they have no energy acceleration

-2 keldeo ex

-2 blend because thats keldeos energy

-3 switch darrkrai does the job

+2 darkrai ex free retreat

+ 2 dark energy for darkrai

+3 skyla searches out lots

Thanks for the suggestions but I use Keldeo for Rush In to retreat and I also use it to attack againest guys like Landorus. I would also need 3 kinds of energy and I dont like using anymore than 2 or else it gets very inconsistent and I also cant ever attack with Darkrai unless if I get real lucky with the Prism.

Machamp the Champion said:
hammer time! said:
drop the keldeos they have no energy acceleration

-2 keldeo ex

-2 blend because thats keldeos energy

-3 switch darrkrai does the job

+2 darkrai ex free retreat

+ 2 dark energy for darkrai

+3 skyla searches out lots

I'm pretty sure the point of Keldeo EX is so you can Switch it to the active to reset the effect Freeze Shock(?) gives to BK. With Darkrai, you'd need to set up 2 Black Kyurem's. Also, Skyla is terrible in Eels IMO. Eels just needs too much stuff to set up to only get 1 trainer each turn.

Yeah this is what you want to do Attack with Black Kyurem. Rush In. Then you can either attack with Keldeo or you can use a Switch or Spend an energy on Skyarrow Bridge to retreat and then attack with Black Kyurem.

Soul Seeker said:
Try Victini (Victory Star), it's pretty good with Kyurem's first attack :)

What would you suggest taking out for it???