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Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Intermediate

  • 4 Squirtle Bcr
  • 3 Blastiose Bcr
  • 3 Keldeo EX Bcr
  • 2 Electrode Plf
  • 2 Voltorb XY
  • 1 Black Kyurem EX

  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 Skyla
  • 3 N
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Superior Energy Retrival
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Energy Retrival
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Pokemon Center

  • 11 Water
  • 2 Lightning

Blastiose and friends, obviously use Deluge to power up your attackers to OHKO everything. I am mostly looking to see if anyone sees any glaring weaknesses in this list that I could've not seen in my testing. A lot of the things in the deck are very deliberate, like the 1 BKEX. I can certainly explain any of them in greater detail, but I'll go over the off choices here.

2 Pokemon Center is a counter stadium. I have no Tropical Beach, and not do I plan on getting any, which brings us to our next odd Pokemon; Electrode. This guy is amazing, sometimes having 2 of them going is better than having a beach out (believe me, I run beach online and I still play this guy). Then I have 2 Tool Scrapper for Garbodor, I don't have Wartortle cause he just kind of slows things down. I would only run 1 Lightning, but I don't like running the risk of it being prized. Everything else seems pretty self explanatory.

I am planning on playing this at states because I think this list is really good, and I'm very comfortable playing with it. That said, I'll be quite reluctant to change much due to how much I've tested this. I still want any suggestions to problems that any of you could see I might have.

Now, the biggest question. I want a Max Potion in here, but I cannot for the life of me decide what to take out. I would take out a Tool Scrapper, but I don't want to lose to Garbodor. I would take out an Energy Retrival, but my 3-2 line is very good and consistent. I thought about dropping Super Rod, but it can grab me back the BKEX later if I really need it, or I could recover Electrodes and Voltorbs that I had to toss. It's looking very likely for a Tool Scrapper to hit the road.

What do you guys think? I'm looking forward to your thoughts!
I like this list a lot, but I think you'll find a lot more consistency in adding a Lightning and second Black Kyurem. As for what to take out, please don't take out Tool Scrapper, you need at least two. I'd suggest you take out a Pokemon Center and maybe a Water, but it's up to you. Another option is to only play 3 Squirtles.
I would consider these few things to up consistency, minus
-1-1 electrode for a full line of 4-0-4 blastoise: this is just to increase the playability of blastoise in your deck, getting out stoise is more important then extra support.
-1 water energy +1 profs letter: the major issue with raindance decks is the lul in using supporters to get that key number of energy in hand, with 2 profs letter snd 4 skyla, obtaining 4 energy on/in the discard of BKEX or keldeo is important so you can then use your SER and get the continuous OHKO for the win.
-2 pokemon centre +1 N and +1superior energy retreival or SER: having 4 SER is a minimum requirement to getting a continuous ohko system set up with both keldeo and BKEX.

Additional credit's
-2 water energy and -1 energy retrevial for 3 pokemon catcher and dowsing machine over computer search: this is to allow key ohko's especially if your opponent is either stalling you or just putting you in bad situation. computer search is speed, however dowsing allows consistency.
This may help explain some of the weirdness:


My deck was kind of inspired by Anthony Wilson's Blastiose deck, and the Electrode are just critical. It's not quite fair to call it a BKEX deck though, because it is very Keldeo oriented. I could take out a Keldeo and a water to put in another Lightning and a BKEX, but again, it's quite Keldeo centered.

Also, the deck can't function without both of the Electrode, the draw power that they give is really crucial, and having a 2-2 line ensures that I don't get screwed over by my prize cards.

I'll consider the extra Professor's Letter, but I don't think I can remove Pokemon Center; it's my counter stadium, and without it I get killed by Frozen City.