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Blastoise Articuno Regigigas deck


That guy who listens to your parents's music
  • 4 Squirtle (Boundries Crossed)
  • 4 Blastoise (Plasma Blast or Boundries Crossed)
  • 1 Articuno EX (Plasma Storm)
  • 1 Regigigas EX (Next Destinies)
  • 1 Suicune (Plasma Blast)
  • 1 Keldeo EX (Optional) (BW Promo)

  • 4 Skyla
  • 4 Cilan
  • 1 Skyarrow Bridge
  • 4 Energy Search
  • 1 Colress Machine
  • 1 Pokemon Catcher
  • 1 Professor Juniper
  • 2 Potion
  • 1 Reversal Trigger
  • 1 Heavy Ball
  • 1 Cheren
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Master Ball
  • 4 Rare Candy

  • 16 Water Energies
  • 2 Special Team Plasma Energies
  • 2 Double Colorless Energies

I think the deck is pretty easy, Just try and draw into Squirtles, Rare Candies, and a pant-load of energy! Once you Rare Candy into Blastoise and Deluge into all those energies that you get from Cilan and Energy Search, You'll have lots of energy. I once used two turns and got 8 energies! Not including what I had in my hand to begin with. So with Deluge and Hydro Pump, That would be up to 160 damage! That is a lot of damage for one turn! So here is some questions about some of the trainers.

Q: Why Catchers?
A: I have a Pokemon Catcher in my deck so if someone has a Garbodor on the bench and is cancelling out Deluge, I could build up Regigigas and Articuno and Catcher for Garbodor and knock it out. Then I could go back to Deluge.

Q: Why Skyarrow Bridge?
A: Because if people are gonna do Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym, I could play Skyarrow Bridge and get the Virbank City Gym out of the way.

Q: Why run a Master Ball if you have an Ultra Ball?
A: It is because I could Master Ball AND Ultra Ball at the same time to get a Blastoise and a Squirtle if I don't already have one. Then I just need to hope I get a Skyla or a Rare Candy.

Let me know what you guys think about my deck. I play this deck a lot and it is pretty good.
Ok, you need N, and you have too many Cilan and not enough Juniper, so I'd do this:
-2 Potion: Useless. Yeah, it could work with Regigigas, but it takes precious space. Simply, no.
-2 Energy Search: It's just not worth it having 4. The ONLY reason why this card actually works it's because it lets you grab an Energy from a Skyla.
-1 Cilan: It's better to have more draw supporters than a maxed out Supporter that takes a turn.
-1 Cheren, -1 Reversal Trigger: Not necessary in this deck. That's why you have N+Juniper+Colress.
-1 Master Ball: there are way better Ace Spec cards.

+3 N: The best draw/disrupt supporter. If you can find room for a 4th, it would be great, but not that necessary.
+2 Juniper: Helps to get that good set up and since you will try to empty your hand, it won't hurt that much.
+2 Colress: It helps a lot mid to late game.
+1 Computer Search/Dowsing Machine: helps you find/retrieve something you desperately need, and its Skyla-ble.
Hope I could help! :)