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Blastoise / Black Kyurem EX / Keldeo EX for 2014-2015


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Black Kyurem EX
    2 Keldeo EX
    3 Blastoise (Deluge)
    4 Squirtle (Shell Shield)
    1 Suicune (Safeguard)
    2 Electrode (Magnetic Draw)
    2 Voltorb (Destiny Burst)
    1 Exeggcute (Propagation)

  • 1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Professor’s Letter
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Float Stone
    2 Pokemon Catcher
    2 Energy Retrieval
    4 Superior Energy Retrieval
    3 Ultra Ball
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Skyla
    2 Colress
    4 Professor Juniper

  • 2 Lightning Energy
    9 Water Energy


I am quite new to the Pokemon tcg and I was just looking for some feedback on a deck I am putting together to play at my locals after the rotation for the 2014-2015 standard format. I would appreciate any advice from some more experienced players about some changes I might make to this deck, and budget is not really a problem now that tropical beach is rotating...So any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

I have been playing Ballistoise for a few months and I have been trying to fine tune it around here... If you want to check it out, click here
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

Luxiel said:
I have been playing Ballistoise for a few months and I have been trying to fine tune it around here... If you want to check it out, click here

Thanks! I like the idea of the including the pokemon fan club, I just dont have a copy of that card currently. It seems you have built a pretty solid list!
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

Malt_Meister said:
Luxiel said:
I have been playing Ballistoise for a few months and I have been trying to fine tune it around here... If you want to check it out, click here

Thanks! I like the idea of the including the pokemon fan club, I just dont have a copy of that card currently. It seems you have built a pretty solid list!

Thanks, mate! It is really nice to see more people pursuing perfection with Blastoise.

My listing has some problems yet and I have been trying to fine tune it. I am still confused about Delphox vs Electrode and how my drawing supporters should be distributed.

You can read the comments people have posted so far so you can get the idea of where we are standing right now and what thoughts I have taken into consideration, like Jirachi EX and others!

And feel free to jump in and comment yourself too! Maybe all the Ballisters unite!
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

I definitely had a look at the comments in the other thread and I am beginning to see my list needs some changes. I'm thinking something like:


  • 3 Black Kyurem EX
    2 Keldeo EX
    3 Blastoise (deluge)
    4 Squirtle (shell shield)
    1 Fennekin
    1 Delphox (Mystical Fire))
    1 Exeggcute (propagation)

  • 1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Professor’s Letter
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Float Stone
    4 Superior Energy Retrieval
    3 Ultra Ball
    4 Rare Candy
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    4 Skyla
    3 Shauna
    2 Colress
    4 Professor Juniper

  • 2 Lightning
    10 Water
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

Have you considered incorporating a Druddigon to counter opponent's Black Kyurem EXs?

Also, IMHO, a 2-2 Electrode line will be more reliable to setup at least 1 Electrode vs. a 1-0-1 Delphox line.
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

TuxedoBlack said:
Have you considered incorporating a Druddigon to counter opponent's Black Kyurem EXs?

Also, IMHO, a 2-2 Electrode line will be more reliable to setup at least 1 Electrode vs. a 1-0-1 Delphox line.

You know I didn't think of that... Druddigon is a neat tech choice I think I will try! Also I think I agree that the 2-2 Electrode line is more reliable, and I am going to revert back. Thanks! I was thinking of something like this:

I just don't know how to fit in a Druddigon....


  • 3 Black Kyurem EX
    2 Keldeo EX
    3 Blastoise (Deluge)
    4 Squirtle (Shell Shield)
    2 Voltorb (Destiny burst)
    2 Electrode (Magnetic Draw)
    1 Exeggcute (Propagation)

  • 1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Professor’s Letter
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Float Stone
    4 Superior Energy Retrieval
    3 Ultra Ball
    4 Rare Candy
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    4 Skyla
    2 Shauna
    2 Colress
    4 Professor Juniper

  • 2 Lightning
    9 Water
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

You could take out Exeggcute for Druddigon. I'm not completely sure the whole draw for Exeggcute is for this build still. Can someone PM me on this?
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

pygohan said:
You could take out Exeggcute for Druddigon. I'm not completely sure the whole draw for Exeggcute is for this build still. Can someone PM me on this?

I guess the main thing is to discard it and keep getting it back and dumping it for superior energy retrieval and juniper etc... I could test out druddigon in that slot however....
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

Since you are not playing DCE, the main thing Druddigon could do is revenge kill another Black Kyurem or some rare White Kyurem builds (some RayBoars run it) and for that, another Black Kyurem would be better: It deals 400 damage to them and leaves a 180HP pokemon with only 1 energy to defend the next attack, which means it bypasses Hard Charms and the like.

I like Druddigon as a tech for another decks, it is a Black / White Kyurem killer indeed, but another Black Kyurem gives you better cover and leaves a defending pokemon less likely to get avenged by Mewtwo and Yveltal...

Unless your opponent also runs Druddigon, in that case Keldeo can deal with it and defend without being weak to Dragon.

You opponent could also have yet another Black Kyurem to replace the fisrt you killed, but, from experience, if you mind your timing, there really a low chance for both of you to have 2 Black Kyurems ready to rumble... By the time a mirror match gets to this, someone already lost anyway.

I myself run Exeggcute, but if I were to remove it, I would add an accelerator like Random Receiver (To get that game winning Lysandre), another Cover like a Megaphone, another Searcher like Ultra Ball or maybe even another [W].

Also, I see you got no Stadium in that list. Let me tell you the worst match-up I have experienced: Frozen City. It runs good with many decks in the current meta and it KILLS Blastoise and Emboar decks so hard... If you take that Exeggcute out and has no idea about what to add in, try a Magnetic Storm or the new Mountain Ring... Maybe even the Training Center to help you so Blastoise doesn't get easily OHKO'd.
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

I agree with Luxiel you need a stadium card, I suggest two if you can fit it in. Like Luxiel said many people run with Frozen City and lots of times run with 2 type of stadiums so you need to counter that or the match is over. I also suggest keep Exeggcute as I came to realize I need that guy, trying to play without tropical beaches (+4 in cards) and I ran out of cards.
RE: Blastoise/Black Kyurem EX/Keldeo EX for 2014-2015

Thanks for the feedback guys I'll try to get some magnetic storms!