I am quite new to the Pokemon tcg and I was just looking for some feedback on a deck I am putting together to play at my locals after the rotation for the 2014-2015 standard format. I would appreciate any advice from some more experienced players about some changes I might make to this deck, and budget is not really a problem now that tropical beach is rotating...So any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
3 Black Kyurem EX
2 Keldeo EX
3 Blastoise (Deluge)
4 Squirtle (Shell Shield)
1 Suicune (Safeguard)
2 Electrode (Magnetic Draw)
2 Voltorb (Destiny Burst)
1 Exeggcute (Propagation)
1 Dowsing Machine
2 Professor’s Letter
1 Startling Megaphone
2 Float Stone
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Superior Energy Retrieval
3 Ultra Ball
4 Rare Candy
4 Skyla
2 Colress
4 Professor Juniper
2 Lightning Energy
9 Water Energy
I am quite new to the Pokemon tcg and I was just looking for some feedback on a deck I am putting together to play at my locals after the rotation for the 2014-2015 standard format. I would appreciate any advice from some more experienced players about some changes I might make to this deck, and budget is not really a problem now that tropical beach is rotating...So any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!