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Blastoise EX / Blastoise


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 15

  • 4 Blastoise EX
    2 Mega Blastoise EX
    2-1-2 Blastoise (Deluge)
    1-0-1 Dusknoir XY Flashfire
    2 Keldeo EX
Trainers: 35

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    4 Shauna
    4 Pokémon Fan Club
    4 Max Potion
    2 Float Stone
    3 Rare Candy
    3 Professor's Letter
    3 Superior Energy Retrieval
    1 Computer Search
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Level Ball
    2 Colress
    1 Lysandre
Energy: 10

  • 10 Water Energy
Strategy: Turn 3 Mega Blastoise start wrecking havoc and heal with dusknoir and max potion combo I NEED draw power though so any help would be greatly appreciated

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
I would drop the pokemon fan club count to just 1 or 2, You dont really want to draw into it when you are in need of another supporter. Also 4 max poition is a little excesive for the deck in my opinion. You can drop a blastoise EX because four is alot and may end up just getting in the way. Your supporter line is not that bad aside from the pokemon fan club but i would add in some skyla so you can search for rare candy or computer search or superior energy retrival. You could also add in some N for disruption and more draw power. And two blastoise with deluge is not enough, you will want to run at least three to ensure you can get one out.
First of all, very nice deck concept, great idea.

Some suggestions/comments:

  • A 1-1 Dusknoir is very inconsistent from my experience. One Poke could be prized, Duskull could be sniped, etc. I'd suggest you forgo these 2 slots for other cards that would be more useful, IMHO.
  • A commitment to 4 Max Potion is excessive, IMHO. I've found that 1-2 are sufficient.
  • 4 Pokemon Fan Club is excessive, IMHO. Although it does increase your chances of drawing into1, it also reduces your opportunities to play a card draw Supporter. So, consider replacing 2 of the PFC with Call for Family Poke like Kangaskhan (100 HP Poke that can "take a hit").
  • You will also find 1-2 Tool Scrapper to be quite useful in your Garbodor matchups; otherwise you will lose the advantage of performing Deluge.
  • A counter Stadium would be useful, especially against an opponent's Frozen City Gym.
So, given the above, consider the following changes:

-1 Duskull
-1 Dusknoir
-2 Max Potion
-2 Pokemon Fan Club

+2 Kangaskhan / Emolga / etc.
+2 Tool Scrapper / Startling Megaphone
+2 Apertia City Gym

To improve your matchups against VirGen decks, you could also consider adding more Lysandres or Pyroar.