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Blastoise EX/Keldeo EX deck. Newb looking for some advice.


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Novice/

  • 3 Squirtle BCR
  • 1 Wartortle BCR
  • 3 Blastoise BCR
  • 3 Blastoise EX XY
  • 3 Keldeo EX LTR
  • 2 M Blastoise EX XY
  • 2 Voltorb XY
  • 2 Electrode PLF

  • 4 Skyla BCR
  • 4 Professor's Letter
  • 4 Energy Retrieval
  • 4 Bicycle
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 1 Heavy Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball

  • 18 Water

Basically I want the deck to revolve around getting out Blastoise EX out as quickly as possible with Deluge Blastoise for energy acceleration. Keldeo EX for rush in incase Blastoise EX is taking to much damage, and M Blastoise for the extra damage without the 50% chance of hurting itself, as well as bench damage.

This is the first deck I've ever done, as I only played the game before fossil came out (I think it was before fossil, I had the Machamp 2 player starter kit back then) and I had the Gameboy Color game. Any advice is much appreciated as I haven't purchased everything for this deck and I'd like a bit of advice before I buy everything. Thanks for taking the time to read all this!

(Checking which set has what for the trainer cards. Will update the list with the proper sets soon.)
You will need to add some more Draw power, like Professor Sycamore or Juniper, or N or Shauna. Another supporter that would be beneficial would be cilian it alowes you to grab three energy which is great for the deluge ability. You could also add an Ace spec card like master ball or computer search to help you get the setup you want. To put these changes in you could get rid of a few energy. But I do like the concept you got going
I forgot to add the Professors Letters XD and my Rare Candies are off. Sorry for that. Fixed
Yeah, But you will still need some more draw power. You will run out of cards in your hand quickly. A card that is a staple for the deck is tropical beach but it is very expensive and could be rotated out very soon.
Looked into beach, and I am only gonna be able to use a proxy for that. Waaaaay too expensive for me. In my play testing (with proxies) I can be fully set up (either Blastoise EX out with 3 energies, or Keldeo EX out with 5 for 150 damage, both with deluge Blastoise on the field) by fourth turn 90% of the time. 65% by turn three. I will definitely try out those cards in place of energy and see if I can cut that down though.
Yeah you should do these changes:
- 3 blastoise ex
- 2 m blastoise ex
- 4 energy retrieval
- 3 letter
- 4 bike
- 9 Water energy
+ 2 BKEX (this is essential to blastoise decks, and the megas are to clunky)
+ 4 Superior Energy Retrieval (Quite superior to the normal ones)
+ 4 Juniper/ sycamore (to good to be without)
+ 3 N (staple)
+ 2 lightning (BKEX power)
+ 1 Dowsing machine/ Computer search (acespecs are important
+ 1 Ultra ball (consistancy)
+ 1 Kyurem (non- ex attacker)

Hope this helps. I have played this deck for a long time, so please consider my advice.
I'll probably look into that deck at some point, but I want Blastoise EX in this deck. Pulling that card out of a pack is what started my insanity. If my fiancé finds out I spent all that money on cards I won't be using (I already have the 3 Blastoise EX cards >.>) I'll be in the dog house for months, especially since she bought the last one to "support my terrible obsession" BKEX and Kyurem are going to be in my next deck though (the plan is to play test with both and see which one is better for me)

Thanks for your advice though. I'll play around with those supporters tonight.
Kilokk said:
I'll probably look into that deck at some point, but I want Blastoise EX in this deck. Pulling that card out of a pack is what started my insanity. If my fiancé finds out I spent all that money on cards I won't be using (I already have the 3 Blastoise EX cards >.>) I'll be in the dog house for months, especially since she bought the last one to "support my terrible obsession" BKEX and Kyurem are going to be in my next deck though (the plan is to play test with both and see which one is better for me)

Thanks for your advice though. I'll play around with those supporters tonight.

Ok. Well, I get all that, but just because you have something doesn't necessarily need to be played.
You could pull one of Blastoise EX out for that Black Kyurem. It will be able to one shot almost every card
Okay Black Kyurem is waaaay to expensive for a hunk of cardboard. $25 is the MOST I will spend on any one card. Gonna have to definitely stick with what I have so far.

Sucks too, because I definitely see how that would be better.
I'd suggest taking out two Professor's Letters, all four Bicycles, and a Heavy Ball for 4 Juniper and 3 N. :) Then you have one extra space, so I'd throw in a fourth Rare Candy to up your consistency.