Pokemon (26):
3-2-3 Blastoise UL
2-2 Floatzel UL
1-1 Floatzel GL
1x Crobat G
3-1 Uxie LA
4x Sableye SF
2x Unown Q
1x Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (25):
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3x Bebe's Search
2x Seeker
2x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Pokemon Communication
3x Rare Candy
2x Warp Point
2x Poke Turn
1x Junk Arm
1x SP Radar
1x Luxury Ball
2x Broken Time-Space
Energy (9):
6x Water Energy
3x Double Colorless Energy
Strategy is to snipe anything and everything using Blastoise's Hydro Launcher, using Floatzel UL to reattach water energies every turn and Floatzel GL to get back anything that's knocked out (and as a makeshift Umbreon UD counter). Crobat helps with extra damage, Uxie and PONT help set up, and BTS helps recover. I would like to run this for the next cities, so I would very much like some advice!
3-2-3 Blastoise UL
2-2 Floatzel UL
1-1 Floatzel GL
1x Crobat G
3-1 Uxie LA
4x Sableye SF
2x Unown Q
1x Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (25):
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3x Bebe's Search
2x Seeker
2x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Pokemon Communication
3x Rare Candy
2x Warp Point
2x Poke Turn
1x Junk Arm
1x SP Radar
1x Luxury Ball
2x Broken Time-Space
Energy (9):
6x Water Energy
3x Double Colorless Energy
Strategy is to snipe anything and everything using Blastoise's Hydro Launcher, using Floatzel UL to reattach water energies every turn and Floatzel GL to get back anything that's knocked out (and as a makeshift Umbreon UD counter). Crobat helps with extra damage, Uxie and PONT help set up, and BTS helps recover. I would like to run this for the next cities, so I would very much like some advice!