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Blastoise/Floatzel (Cities, Masters)


Pokemon (26):

3-2-3 Blastoise UL
2-2 Floatzel UL
1-1 Floatzel GL
1x Crobat G
3-1 Uxie LA
4x Sableye SF
2x Unown Q
1x Azelf LA

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (25):

2x Pokemon Collector
2x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3x Bebe's Search
2x Seeker
2x Professor Oak's New Theory

2x Pokemon Communication
3x Rare Candy
2x Warp Point
2x Poke Turn
1x Junk Arm
1x SP Radar
1x Luxury Ball

2x Broken Time-Space

Energy (9):

6x Water Energy
3x Double Colorless Energy

Strategy is to snipe anything and everything using Blastoise's Hydro Launcher, using Floatzel UL to reattach water energies every turn and Floatzel GL to get back anything that's knocked out (and as a makeshift Umbreon UD counter). Crobat helps with extra damage, Uxie and PONT help set up, and BTS helps recover. I would like to run this for the next cities, so I would very much like some advice!
You do know that Floatzel GL X doesn't bring himself, or other Floatzel GL, back to the hand, right?
Believe it or not, there are some people that don't see that part of the body. Don't bite my damn head off
I'm sorry, I just didn't understand what you were trying to say. A lot of people ask questions like that to get a point across, like "Floatzel GL doesn't actually work in this deck," you know what I mean? Also, unlike 75% of Pokemon players, I actually read every card I use. ^_^
I was actually just taking a look at Floatzel UL, and his power only lets you put an energy on him. How do you get the 2 energy onto Blastoise each turn for Hydro Launcher?
Blastoise's power lets you move a water energy from a Pokemon on your bench to your active as often as you like during your turn. You get DCE on him, then attach one to Floatzel with his power and one to Blastoise for your turn, then move it to Blastoise and voila, you can use Hydro Launcher again.
Ah. Well I'll be damned. I just might tweak my BlastiGatr deck now. Cause I've been using Gatr Prime's Rain Dance to just drop them back onto Blastoise lol
Yeah, Floatzel really is so much faster, and his only weakness is that he can be sprayed. I was thinking of putting in a 1-1 Kyogre Groudon Legend to screw with my opponent as an alternate win condition.
Yeah, Floatzel really is so much faster, and his only weakness is that he can be sprayed. I was thinking of putting in a 1-1 Kyogre Groudon Legend to screw with my opponent as an alternate win condition.
Or easily Dragon Rushed, since he only has 80 HP. But then again, if you run a lot of Floatzel they're easy to set up.

I think you might want to run 2 Crobat G. I have run this deck before and I frequently get irritated when I've used up my 1 Crobat, and I'd be facing another mon with 110 HP left. But then again, you're running 4 Poke Turn so I think that point is moot (I don't).
You might want to run 1 more Bebe's or throw in some Elm's, but so far, the decklist looks very good to me.
Thanks DNA. I dont mind if they snipe my floatzel, since i just get it right back with the gl lv. x. i think i am going to run a second crobat actually.

about kingdra: its a good idea, but crobat has the possibility of doing more than 10 per turn and can be poke turned. it also doesnt take time to set up and it has free retreat
I'd strongly recommend running a 1-1 or 2-2 Gliscor UD tech to help counter against Umbreon UD, cause Moonlight Fang will shut this deck down like crazy and hitting Umbreon's {F} Weakness will help, even more so with Dageki over Gliscor in B/W in the next two sets from now.

I know, one time I was playing Blastoise/Feraligatr Prime against the Undaunted Starter Deck that had Umbreon in it and it got creamed due to Moonlight Fang.
I really don't see how Umbreon does anything against this deck. I can Warp Point -> snipe the Umbreon, or I can just snipe their bench for prizes while they're hitting me for 30 damage or so.
Yeah but what If they have either Spiritomb AR or Vileplume UD out preventing you from playing Warp Point, then you'd have to run Warp Energies.
If they have Spiritomb active, then they didn't just wall me with Umbreon. If they have Vileplume on the bench, then it's a target for me to snipe. Either way, Umbreon Wall is hardly a wall at all.

EDIT: changed the deck, I decided I need some sort of starter in here, so I threw in 4 Sableyes. Impersonate Cyrus for Collector, water, and SP Radar, then go wild next turn.