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Blastoise/Floatzel HS-on (Nats)


3-3-3 Blastoise
3-3 Floatzel
3 Mantine/Manaphy
2-2 Zoroark

4 Communication
3 Rare Candy
4 Reversals

3 Collector
2 IQ
3 Juniper

10 Water

Strategy: Start with Mantine, and begin setting up a Blastoise, hopefully having one by T2 or T3 ready to start sniping using Floatzel to keep a constant stream of energy on it. Zoroark is there as a jack of all trades tech against whatever decks it needs to be against. I feel like I'm running a lot of Supporters in this deck... anyone got any suggestions?
Maybe put in 2 to 3 regular dark energies.Perhaps dropping the FSL,one communication,one PONT and adding one more IQ wouldn't hurt.
I dunno I don't think the dark energy are entirely necessary; I don't wanna leave Zoroark active unless I'm grabbing a revenge KO with it, otherwise it's just a sitting duck. I'm thinking the FSL might be unnecessary though, I'm thinking I might take that out as well as a Mantine for my 1-1 Zoroark.

I'm wondering also, what line of Blastoise would be best to run? I'm looking into 4-3-4, 4-2-4, and 3-2-3 at the moment.
I run 3-3-3,and it works fine. I also use Manaphy UL over Mantine, as it has free retreat, which means you can use it for Wash Out bait later. Stantler UD also works, but it doesn't have free retreat. Also, 3 Dual Ball and 3 Collector is overboard. I run 3Collector and no Dual Ball in my Manaphy version, and only one Collector in my Stantler version, and they seem consistent.

So, IMO...

-1-0-1 Blastoise
-2Dual Ball

+1 Twins (It helps, trust me)
+3 Fillers (I run 3 Pokemon Reversals, which will be replaced with Catchers when it comes out)
Thanks for the suggestions, that will probably help out a lot. I was definitely considering Manaphy over Mantine and will probably end up testing the consistency between the two and a 3-3-3 Blastoise sounds cool. I dunno if I wanna add another Elm's since I already have Mantine but I think Reversals and Twins sound like great ideas so I'll probably add those in.
To me this seems like a good deck, i thought about making this because i don't have feraligatr primes, but if you do i would do this:
- 1-1 Zoroark
-1 DCE
-1-1 Floatzel
-1 Matine

+ 2-2-2 Feraligatr prime

I hoped this helped.
Well really I wouldn't consider using Gatr and Floatzel, one or the other would be good. It would certainly be worth testing but I'm pretty sure I want to stick with Floatzel since it's faster.
Okay take out 1- pokemon reversal and put in 1- shuckle promo

At the begning of the game you can attach a water energy to shuckle and draw a card then later move the energy to blastoice. And every turn you attach a water energy to shuckle and move it to blastoice.

And some thing i was thinking of if blastoice was effectd by a special conditon it could be pretty bad so you may want to have unkown cure in here.
I'll definitely have to think about Shuckle Promo. I mean one card per turn doesn't really sound like much but I'm sure it could build up and probably win some games. I'm not sure I'll put it in but it's definitely worth testing.
DarknessGrace said:
To me this seems like a good deck, i thought about making this because i don't have feraligatr primes, but if you do i would do this:
- 1-1 Zoroark
-1 DCE
-1-1 Floatzel
-1 Matine

+ 2-2-2 Feraligatr prime

I hoped this helped.
No, either run straight Floatzel or straight Gatr. Both doesn't work. I've tried it, its too clunky.
4 reversal in a blastoise deck?

To each his own.

I would replace 4 reversal with 2 dual ball 2 junk arm. You never know when you will need junk arm.
It seems worth it, dragging up a heavy retreat bench sitter and sniping around it for a couple free prizes, it also allows me to one shot Emboars which is great.