• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 2 Black Kyurem EX
    4 Squirtle
    1 Wartortle
    4 Blastoise
    2 Keldeo EX
    2 Emolga FA

  • 1 N
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Colress
    4 Professor Sycamore
    4 Skyla
    2 Energy Retrieval
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Float Stone
    2 Professor's Letter
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Lysandre
    1 Switch

  • 3 Electric Energy
    11 Water Energy

The strategy is to have Blastoise on the bench, supplying Keldeo EX, or Black Kyurem EX with energies. Mainly you would support Keldeo EX with the energies because Keldeo EX's attack does50 plus 20 more damage for how many water energies are on the card. The attack needs 3 colorless, so use blastoise, put 3 water energy on it, and attack for 110. 130 if you have muscle band. Black Kyurem is your other attacker doing 200 with black ballista.
-2 Emolga; Not being able to attack on the first turn really hurt this card's usefulness in my opinion.
-1 Pokemon Fan Club; Not my favorite Supporter. I prefer sheer draw to search for Supporters. Mainly because I often find that I need more than just one thing, and with Skyla or Pokemon Fan Club, I can only get one thing. It's often not enough. Skyla is an exception since sometimes all you really need is just one Trainer. Especially in Blastoise where you or missing either the Rare Candy or the Blastoise.
- 3 Muscle Band; For Keldeo, Water Energies are your Muscle Band. The only reason I might keep one Muscle Band around is if you're afraid of not being able to one shot Megas.
-1 Switch; Two Keldeo and one Float Stone should be fine. Attach Float Stone to Keldeo, and you can Rush In and retreat all day (once per turn though).
-1 Water Energy; With all of the Energy search and recovery, you don't need that many energies in the deck. Most lists I've seen had 3 Lightning-9 Water. The idea is you Black Ballista and get them all back next turn. Rinse and repeat.

+1 Black Kyurem EX; This is your go to attacker. He OHKO's just about everything in format barring the new Megas.
+1 N; While Blastoise does have a way of getting ahead on prizes, you still need draw, especially without Beach.
+4 Superior Energy Retrieval; This card let's you Black Ballista over and over and over and over and over and...
+2 Bicycle; Item-based draw plus N "protection".
+1 Ultra Ball; Maximized Item-based search.

Hope this has been helpful!
Thanks for the tips and writing that much for me :) but this is a list I made if I wanted to run this deck. I am stuck between round, darkrai/yveltal or this deck. So yeah. What do you think is the better deck?
No problem! Post rotation? This deck most likely. However there were several people at the local league (including myself at one point) that played Round with moderate success. It might be worth trying out.
Mora said:
No problem! Post rotation? This deck most likely. However there were several people at the local league (including myself at one point) that played Round with moderate success. It might be worth trying out.

So I recently made this deck. And I was womdering if you could check it out and give me some feedback, because your pretty experienced and know yiur stuff :)
Neos said:
So I recently made this deck. And I was womdering if you could check it out and give me some feedback, because your pretty experienced and know yiur stuff :)

I'm be happy to help however I can! What do you mean by check it out exactly? I'd be happy to play you on playtcg?
Neos said:
Mora said:
No problem! Post rotation? This deck most likely. However there were several people at the local league (including myself at one point) that played Round with moderate success. It might be worth trying out.

So I recently made this deck. And I was womdering if you could check it out and give me some feedback, because your pretty experienced and know yiur stuff :)

Mora said:
Neos said:
So I recently made this deck. And I was womdering if you could check it out and give me some feedback, because your pretty experienced and know yiur stuff :)

I'm be happy to help however I can! What do you mean by check it out exactly? I'd be happy to play you on playtcg?

Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but keep in mind that you should try to keep these threads on-topic and try to keep the off-topic to Profile and PMs. Thanks! :D