The strategy is to have Blastoise on the bench, supplying Keldeo EX, or Black Kyurem EX with energies. Mainly you would support Keldeo EX with the energies because Keldeo EX's attack does50 plus 20 more damage for how many water energies are on the card. The attack needs 3 colorless, so use blastoise, put 3 water energy on it, and attack for 110. 130 if you have muscle band. Black Kyurem is your other attacker doing 200 with black ballista.
2 Black Kyurem EX
4 Squirtle
1 Wartortle
4 Blastoise
2 Keldeo EX
2 Emolga FA
1 N
4 Rare Candy
2 Colress
4 Professor Sycamore
4 Skyla
2 Energy Retrieval
3 Ultra Ball
2 Pokemon Fan Club
1 Float Stone
2 Professor's Letter
3 Muscle Band
2 Lysandre
1 Switch
3 Electric Energy
11 Water Energy
The strategy is to have Blastoise on the bench, supplying Keldeo EX, or Black Kyurem EX with energies. Mainly you would support Keldeo EX with the energies because Keldeo EX's attack does50 plus 20 more damage for how many water energies are on the card. The attack needs 3 colorless, so use blastoise, put 3 water energy on it, and attack for 110. 130 if you have muscle band. Black Kyurem is your other attacker doing 200 with black ballista.