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Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Clawitzer


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Squritle
    3 Blastoise
    2 Clawitzer
    2 Clauncher
    3 Keldeo EX
    1 Suicune

  • 4 Professor Juniper/Sycamore
    4 N
    3 Skyla
    2 Lysandre
    3 Rare Candy
    2 Professor's Letters
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Superior energy Retrieval
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Sacred Ash
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Switch
    2 Training Center (Not sure what the best bet would be as far as gyms go for this deck)

  • 11 Water
Keldeo EX will be the main atacker of the deck, and you use Blastoise Deluge to power it up. Clawitzer has the same attack as keldeo EX but it gives up one prize instead of two, and it gives blastoise decks a way to counter pyroar easier. I think the deck as some potential to be a good deck.

What do you all think? Is there anything you would change?

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Blastoise/ Keldeo EX/ Clawitzer

another squirtle we dont have level ball anymore but its sooo hard choose what drop hmm maybe 1 lysandre lol
RE: Blastoise/ Keldeo EX/ Clawitzer

Yeah thats the problem, the deck is really tight. I could possibly take out a switch.
RE: Blastoise/ Keldeo EX/ Clawitzer

Blastoise can kill Pyroar. Clawitzer is not needed.
RE: Blastoise/ Keldeo EX/ Clawitzer

Yeah Blastoise can kill Pyroar but ou dont want to put your energy engine in danger.
RE: Blastoise/ Keldeo EX/ Clawitzer

You run more than 1 Blastoise and squirtle. If you remove Clawitzer you can put more in.
RE: Blastoise/ Keldeo EX/ Clawitzer

And clawitzer can do more dmage for less energy. And can hit bigger numbers easier
RE: Blastoise/ Keldeo EX/ Clawitzer

Ironman131 said:
And clawitzer can do more dmage for less energy. And can hit bigger numbers easier

You don't need to hit bigger numbers. All you need to do is 60 with Weakness, and Blastoise could do that even if you loaded him with Lightning. Your built in Pyroar counter is much better than the one you teched in. It's easily return KO'd by Pyroar with Muscle Band, whereas Blastoise is not. Blastoise is more consistent because you don't have to add anything extra. Just take out the Clawitzer line, and you'll have enough room to go up to 4-0-4 Blastoise and 4 Rare Candy and still have one more free spot if you wanted to.

Another thing I would suggest if Float Stone over Switch. I know you probably prefer to have Muscle Band (and really another Water Energy could just as easily be a Muscle Band) attached, but just one Keldeo on the Bench with Float Stone, and you can retreat for days.
good point, but specifically talking against pyroar match clawitzer is a stage 1 wich is more easy to set up that 2 blastoise ( 1 for a possible attacker and 2nd if the first one is knocked out via charizard for example ) and about the others matches keldeo / suicune are enough even i would run 2 suicune seeing the popularity landorus and lucario

thats my thoughts XD
Cuack Cuack said:
good point, but specifically talking against pyroar match clawitzer is a stage 1 wich is more easy to set up that 2 blastoise ( 1 for a possible attacker and 2nd if the first one is knocked out via charizard for example ) and about the others matches keldeo / suicune are enough even i would run 2 suicune seeing the popularity landorus and lucario

thats my thoughts XD

You can't even use Clawitzer if you don't have a Blastoise set up. Unless you're manually attaching that is, but at that point, you've already lost. And again, there's no way that Pyroar can one shot you, so even if you only have one Blastoise set up, as long as you have a Squirtle benched, you should be fine.
Even when not playing Pyraor, Clawitzer is a better attacker then Blastoise and if it gets KO'd I wont be to upset because it is easier to set up then another blastoise would be. Clawitzer is a good attacker that only gives up 1 prize and can do the same amount of damage that a Keldeo EX can do.