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Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Feraligatr


Aspiring Trainer
Okay, first off, if I did this incorrectly, I apologize sincerely since this is my first time doing it and I'm trying to build this in a bit of a rush.

Pokemon: 13

  • 2 Keldeo EX
    2 Totodile PhF
    2 Feraligatr PhF
    4 Squirtle BCr
    3 Blastoise BCr
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 26

  • 2 Lysandre
    2 Xerosic
    2 Bianca
    3 Professor Juniper
    4 Rare Candy
    4 Skyla
    2 Energy Retrieval
    2 Super Energy Retrieval
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Float Stone
    3 Muscle Band
Energy: 12

  • 8 Water Energy
    4 Double Colorless

Total: 54 Cards

Ideas for Missing Spots

Black Kyurem
Black Kyurem EX
Seismtoad EX
Blastoise EX


Okay, I realize that the deck is incomplete, and the reason is mostly I don't know where to go from here. I'm building this in a very quick rush for a tournament down in May's Landing in January.

The idea right now is the typical Keldeo-EX/Blastoise combo with Feraligatr there for potential revenge killing if need be. Since Feraligatr takes a whopping four energy for it's biggest attack, it feels like it fits in with a deck that spams energy onto the field like no one's business.

With that, I hope you guys can help me out, I'm really nervous that I can complete this before January rolls around. ...and again if I didn't do this correctly I'm really sorry.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Feraligatr

I dont think Feraligatr is a good choice as a secondary attacker since its another 3 step added to your deck. If anything add things that would help your match ups. Like Yveltal Ex is a horrible match up since you use so much energy. So Raichu with circle circuit would be great addition. Or even just dedenne. As it SE Yveltal. Mewtwo would still be another problem. Though that can also be fixed by running your own mewtwo.

Xerosic is not an important 2 of. 1 of is all you really need. Run 2 or 3 VS seeker though.

Also keldeo ex isnt such a great attacker either. It takes too much energy to be effective. Though water doesnt have much options atm. Though next set will surely change that.

You may also want some startling megaphone. Since garbodor will just shut this deck down.

Suicune is also a good 1 of. If you run into a deck that is only big basic ex and no garbodor. You can basically win with 1 Suicune with safeguard.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Feraligatr

Ivy_Profen said:
I dont think Feraligatr is a good choice as a secondary attacker since its another 3 step added to your deck. If anything add things that would help your match ups. Like Yveltal Ex is a horrible match up since you use so much energy. So Raichu with circle circuit would be great addition. Or even just dedenne. As it SE Yveltal. Mewtwo would still be another problem. Though that can also be fixed by running your own mewtwo.

Xerosic is not an important 2 of. 1 of is all you really need. Run 2 or 3 VS seeker though.

Also keldeo ex isnt such a great attacker either. It takes too much energy to be effective. Though water doesnt have much options atm. Though next set will surely change that.

You may also want some startling megaphone. Since garbodor will just shut this deck down.

Suicune is also a good 1 of. If you run into a deck that is only big basic ex and no garbodor. You can basically win with 1 Suicune with safeguard.

That Raichu does look tempting... And Mewtwo EX may not be a bad idea either, now that you mention it.

VS Seeker. That's a card I completely forgot about in my haste, thanks!

110 for 3 in this deck doesn't sound terribly bad to me, but that next set... that's going to be something big.

Oooh, Startling Megaphone's another card I forgot about! Thanks for those heads up! Played so much TCGO that I completely forgot I don't have a lot of these cards.

Again, good idea! Maybe play with 2 Fan Clubs too?
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Feraligatr

My main concern is that Feraligatr will probably make the deck too bulky and has a too high cost. Raichu, Druddigon and Toxicroak LT could work well as revenge attackers, or you could use Black Kyruem-EX/Electric Energy/Professor's Letter or M-Kangaskan.

-2 Energy Retrieval (Superior Energy Retrieval is better)
-2 Bianca (N is better)
-2 DCE (Not really necessary)
-1 Squirtle (4-0-3 is too many)
-1 Xerosic (Probably don't need 2)
+2 Water Energy
+4 N (better, need the draw)
+2 Colress (draw)
+1 Juniper (Need the draw)
+1 Superior Energy Retrieval
+1 Wartortle (Just in case you get into a Seismitoad lock)
+3 Training Center (For Stadium wars)
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Feraligatr

bbninjas said:
My main concern is that Feraligatr will probably make the deck too bulky and has a too high cost. Raichu, Druddigon and Toxicroak LT could work well as revenge attackers, or you could use Black Kyruem-EX/Electric Energy/Professor's Letter or M-Kangaskan.

-2 Energy Retrieval (Superior Energy Retrieval is better)
-2 Bianca (N is better)
-2 DCE (Not really necessary)
-1 Squirtle (4-0-3 is too many)
-1 Xerosic (Probably don't need 2)
+2 Water Energy
+4 N (better, need the draw)
+2 Colress (draw)
+1 Juniper (Need the draw)
+1 Superior Energy Retrieval
+1 Wartortle (Just in case you get into a Seismitoad lock)
+3 Training Center (For Stadium wars)

The Feraligatr is mostly based off what I have on hand right now; if I had something better, I'd put that in instead. I've got a budget of around 85~ dollars, so my options are limited.

So today's lesson of my deckbuilding is "Keep draw in mind more." Gotcha. Thanks!
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Feraligatr

Suicune and Raichu are pretty cheap. Feraligatr just takes up too much space and makes the deck clunky. It also has no synergy with this deck what so ever. Its second attack is strong, but really its over kill and takes too much energy. It does 160 for 4 energy, but the pokemon has to be damaged. Unless you attack with something that does like 20 damage only. Theres no reason to use this pokemon.
RE: Blastoise/Keldeo-EX/Feraligatr

Ivy_Profen said:
Suicune and Raichu are pretty cheap. Feraligatr just takes up too much space and makes the deck clunky. It also has no synergy with this deck what so ever. Its second attack is strong, but really its over kill and takes too much energy. It does 160 for 4 energy, but the pokemon has to be damaged. Unless you attack with something that does like 20 damage only. Theres no reason to use this pokemon.

My idea was that Keldeo EX comes in, does 110 to whatever's on the field and if I need to switch, Feraligatr can come in and finish the job guaranteed. I can see why you'd say it has no point in this deck though...
RE: Blastoise / Keldeo-EX / Feraligatr

As stated above you need at least one of the stage 1 ' s of Blastoise and Feraligatr, Seismitoad alone can shut this deck down due to the lack of Wartortle and Croconaw and the dependency on Rare Candy
RE: Blastoise / Keldeo-EX / Feraligatr

CollectiveCubchoo said:
As stated above you need at least one of the stage 1 ' s of Blastoise and Feraligatr, Seismitoad alone can shut this deck down due to the lack of Wartortle and Croconaw and the dependency on Rare Candy

An entirely true point... I'm starting to consider just dropping this decklist and opting for a Bronzong variant instead. At least that way when the next rotation hits, I didn't drop a lot of money for it to be swept away.

EDIT: Never mind, Steel decks are REALLY expensive.
So I decided to remove Totodile and Feraligatr in place of 1 Dedenne and 1 Kyurem-EX. Kyurem-EX is a tech that I'm mostly running for the Special Energy discard and it's not the most insane to set up in a few turns, theoretically. I'll have to post the new decklist in the OP...