• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 22:
2-2-2 Feraligatr prime (for energys)
3-2-3 Blastoise
2 kyurem
1 landorus
1 lapras
1 terrakion
1 regigigas ex
2 mantine

(T/S/S) 21:
2 N
2 Professor Junipers
2 Sages Training
2 Pokemon collectors
2 Twins
2 rare candy
1 lvl ball
1 exp share
1 energy exchanger
1 pokemon communication
2 switch

Energy 17:
10 {W}
3 prism
1 {F}

My goal is to snipe the bench but I also have the terrakion and landorus incase I run into Zekeels. I seem to get the pokes I need but I dont get any energys, any suggestions?
The theory is good on paper but it will never work as efficiently as you'd want it to. Why? Blastoise already takes 4 energy to power up, you've added in Gatr Prime to help with energy acceleration which now gives you 2 different stage 2 pokemon to set up. You've also added in Kyurem to spread which needs 3 energy to do so. The problem is that your resources will not allow you to set up 2 stage 2 pokemon and provide enough energy to the hand to be able to keep setting up Blastoise, because Blastoise will go down quicker than you can set up and the {L} weakness does not help coupled with the fact that it won't be able to OHKO any of the dangerous threats and considering the energy-cost to damage ratio, it just isn't great and will not help you in the long run.

I would say drop the Blastoise line and focus on Kyurem because it's a basic pokemon which is easier to search out, easier to set up and will stand a chance against tournament level decks - It doesn't hit for any great damage, but the spread damage will build up and score you many prizes late-game if you can maintain the spread. Of course doing so would remove the main attacker in this deck, but to be honest, Blastoise won't be able to stand up to the decks nowadays due to the advantages basic pokemon have.

It's just my view though.
-1 lapras (not needed)
-2 man tine (not needed either)
-1 level ball (not needed)
-1 exp share (I don't think it may be too needed)
-1 regigigas (isn't too useful)
-3 prism (I think you are better off using fighting energy since it can be recycled)
-1 communication (heavy ball would work better)
+1-0-0 feraligater (consistency)
-1 energy exchanger? (might not be too needed)
-1 water (might not be too needed)
+2 rare candy (needed)
+1 fisherman/N (fisherman helps a lot with feraligater, N for more draw support)
+4 heavy ball (feraligater plus blastoise)
+1 super rod (recycling)
+1 collector (consistency)
+2 fighting (recyclable)
Please specify the sets and card numbers for all of your Pokemon. Also, please add the names of the main Pokemon in your deck into the thread title.
I'd rather see you run more consistent trainer lines. If you just run 1 of a trainer, there's a very small chance that you can actually acquire it when you need it. Rather you should run 3-4 of a trainer that's very helpful to your deck.

Also going off the same principle of above, you should try and remove all of your "one-of" pokemon that aren't essential techs, and also the 1 fighting energy. It's quite hard to draw into those when you really need them if there's only one of it, so it's better to either run 4 or 0 of those types of cards.