Might as well start a thread for it now since they'll be popping up everywhere soon. Here is the deck list
Pokemon (16)
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Keldeo EX
4 Virizion (NVI)
3-1-3 Blastoise
Items (17)
1 Computer Search (ACE SPEC)
2 Escape Rope
2 Energy Retrieval
3 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
Supporter (15)
2 Skyla
2 Cilan
3 Bianca
4 Cheren
4 Professor Juniper
Energy (14)
4 Prism Energy
10 Water Energy
Since Blastoise has been confirmed I don't think I need the translations for Wartortle and Squirtle.
Keldeo EX
HP: 170
Weakness: Grass
Retreat: **
Ability: Once during your turn (before you attack) if Keldeo is on your bench you may switch it with your active Pokemon.
Secret Sword
*** 50+
Does +20 Damage for Each Water Energy attached to Keldeo EX
Search your Deck for an Item Card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwords.
Escape Rope
Both players switch their Active Pokémon with one of their Benched Pokémon
First off. I know. No N's. From all the discussions I have had with other players I am starting to agree with them that N hurts more than helps this deck. I keep trying to find room for at least 2 but I simply can't. I'm using Virizion to counter this. It provides good early game power which could be vital, it's anti-Keldeo/Blastoise and Anti-Terrakion. But on the other hand I've considered taking Virizion out because that frees up 8 cards I can use as techs/something else. I haven't play tested it yet. But both sides of the coin makes sense.
Keldeo EX is the main attacker. Mewtwo EX is back up attacker. Blastoise is last resort attack since he is a bench sitter than can actually defend itself. Unless they can OHKO Blastoise he has no fear of being catchered in either due to Keldeo EX's ability.
Cilan helps this deck considerably. Escape Rope can be abused by Keldeo EX. I feel 2 is the perfect amount. Anymore seems over kill.
Cards I've considered but simply can't find room for
+1-3 N (despite how badly it can distrupt this deck. It can help it just as much)
+1-2 Tool Scrapper
+1-3 Eviolite/Giant Cape
+1-2 Super Scoop Up
+1 Max Potion
+1-2 Energy Retrieval.
Pokemon (16)
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Keldeo EX
4 Virizion (NVI)
3-1-3 Blastoise
Items (17)
1 Computer Search (ACE SPEC)
2 Escape Rope
2 Energy Retrieval
3 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
Supporter (15)
2 Skyla
2 Cilan
3 Bianca
4 Cheren
4 Professor Juniper
Energy (14)
4 Prism Energy
10 Water Energy
Since Blastoise has been confirmed I don't think I need the translations for Wartortle and Squirtle.
Keldeo EX
HP: 170
Weakness: Grass
Retreat: **
Ability: Once during your turn (before you attack) if Keldeo is on your bench you may switch it with your active Pokemon.
Secret Sword
*** 50+
Does +20 Damage for Each Water Energy attached to Keldeo EX
Search your Deck for an Item Card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwords.
Escape Rope
Both players switch their Active Pokémon with one of their Benched Pokémon
First off. I know. No N's. From all the discussions I have had with other players I am starting to agree with them that N hurts more than helps this deck. I keep trying to find room for at least 2 but I simply can't. I'm using Virizion to counter this. It provides good early game power which could be vital, it's anti-Keldeo/Blastoise and Anti-Terrakion. But on the other hand I've considered taking Virizion out because that frees up 8 cards I can use as techs/something else. I haven't play tested it yet. But both sides of the coin makes sense.
Keldeo EX is the main attacker. Mewtwo EX is back up attacker. Blastoise is last resort attack since he is a bench sitter than can actually defend itself. Unless they can OHKO Blastoise he has no fear of being catchered in either due to Keldeo EX's ability.
Cilan helps this deck considerably. Escape Rope can be abused by Keldeo EX. I feel 2 is the perfect amount. Anymore seems over kill.
Cards I've considered but simply can't find room for
+1-3 N (despite how badly it can distrupt this deck. It can help it just as much)
+1-2 Tool Scrapper
+1-3 Eviolite/Giant Cape
+1-2 Super Scoop Up
+1 Max Potion
+1-2 Energy Retrieval.