• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

BlasTwo (Blastoise / Mewtwo)


Frontier Brain
I have a deck that works really well if it gets set up, but I have trouble setting it up.


  • 4x Squirtle (BW Plasma Blast)
    2x Wartortle (BW Plasma Blast)
    4x Blastoise (BW Plasma Blast)
    4x Mewtwo (BW Legendary Treasures)
    2x Pikachu (XY)
    2x Raichu (XY)
    4x Miltank (XY Flashfire)

  • 3x Level Ball
    4x Ultra Ball
    4x Rare Candy
    4x Professor's Letter
    3x Professor Sycamore
    3x N
    3x Colress

  • 4x Double Colorless Energy
    10x Water Energy


Oh no! Nothing here! :O

Anything to help me get a better early game?

I've taken the liberty to edit your post to coincide with the rules! Please make sure to put in that strategy so we know the general gist of your deck. This helps us help you help yourself help us all! :p In short, please put in a strategy so we know what you're talking about. Thanks! :D ~Kecleon
you can lower the profesors letter count to 2 as well as the level ball to 2 and ultra ball to 3. You also have alot of pokemon in the deck.Is the mewtwo supposed to be mewtwo EX. I would drop the mewtwo ex count to 3 as well as drop 1 wartortel and 1 blastoise. You could lower the miltank line to 2 so you have abackup attacker to mewtwo ex. You could also drop remove 3 double colress because you will likely be deluging water energy more.

So that opens up 14 spaces in the deck.
+4 Skyla ( search your deck for a trainer)
+2 Keldeo EX ( A good water attacker, as well as a way out of staus conditions)
+1 Pokemon Fanclub ( search for 2 basic pokemon)
+1 Switch
+1 Dowzin Machine ( get a trainer card back from discard pile)
+ 1sacred Ash ( shuffle 5 pokemon back into deck from discard pile)
+ 2 Superior Energy retrival ( get energy back )
+ 2 Lysandre ( switch oppents pokemon with something more benificial for you)