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Blaze Chomp (Blaziken lv x, Garchomp lv. x) Masters BR

Do you think i should play this deck during BRs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters

zapdos much?

Zapdos = Beast
Blaze Chomp Masters BRs
18 Pokemon

2-2 Blaziken FB lv x
2-2 Garchomp C lv x
1-1 Dialga G lv x
2 Crobat G
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Bronzong G
1 Weavile G
1 Dragonite FB

29 T/S/S

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Poketurn
3 Energy Gain
3 SP Radar
3 Power Spray
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Energy Exchanger
1 Luxury Ball
1 Bebe Search
1 Aaron's Collection
1 Palmer's Contribution

13 Energies

4 Double Colorless
6 Fire
1 Psychic
2 Metal

My strategy is pretty simple..the goal is to get out Blaziken and Garchomp lv x as fast as possible and start killing.
Looks like a solid list. But if you are worried about trainer locking decks i would try to find room for 1 more bebe's search. you could take out 1 sp radar or 1 fire energy for it. The choice us yours...

I think i might switch out one of those for the bebe because there was tons of vileplume decks at my 1st battle roads this year...thank you for the help
i was thinking about putting in a 1-1 dialga lv x line plus either 2 or 3 special metal energies because ALOT of people were running vileplume at battle roads but im not sure what i should take out..any help would be great
I would take out two fire and one dark energy and put in three sp energy in.....i think im the only one who use's energy.
i do not own any sp energies but i do like the idea i will try to get them next saturday at my 1st BRs
Eeww...Flower Shop Lady. If you're really worried about recovery, get Palmer's instead. Or you could add another Aaron's.
i dont see a big difference between flower shop lady and palmers..and i was considering putting another aarons but i dont own another one...im going to put in a 1-1 dialga lv x line with 3 energies, i need help figuring out what to take out
Oh, well the difference is that you can choose what to get with Palmer's. You'll never need 3 energy out of the discard pile in this deck. More like less than two.
-weawile g
-luxury ball
-2 en. exchanger
-2 metal energy
-1 fire energy
+uxie lvx
+promo croak
+chatot MD
+ premier ball
+ 3call energy

Your deck need more balance thats why you realy need chatot MD + call energy. power spray allways play 4x its one fo strongest trainer for sp variants. I tested blazechomp and i can tell you if you are fighting vs lady gaga you realy need promocroak too so GL on your tournament and sory for my bad eng xD
hmm i will test it out and see how it works i gotta get some call energies first thats why i run the weavile g because it does the same as a call energy for an attack for 0 energies and i see to alway start with it