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Blaze Luxchomp (Masters, Battle Roads)

Which techs do you like to run in Luxchomp?

  • Total voters

RB Golbat

Pride, Style, Dedication
Pokemon (18 Basic, 6 Lv X, 1 Evo)
2 x Baziken FB
1 x Blaziken FB Lv X
2 x Luxray GL
2 x Luxray GL Lv X
2 x Garchomp C
2 x Garchomp C Lv X
2 x Crobat G
1 x Bronzong G
1 x Ambipom G
1 x Toxicroak G (Promo)
1 x Drifblim FB
2 x Uxie
1 x Uxie Lv X
1 x Azelf
1 x Drifloon SF (Shiny)
1 x Driflblim UD
1 x Unown Q

Supporters/Trainers (10 Supporters, 15 Trainers)
4 x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 x Pokemon Collector
2 x Bebe's Search
1 x Aaron's Collection
1 x Looker's Investigation
3 x Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain
3 x Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray
4 x Team Galactic's Invention G-105 Poké Turn
2 x Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar
1 x Pokémon Communication
1 x VS Seeker
1 x Premier Ball

Energy (6 Basic, 4 Special)
2 x {R}
2 x {L}
2 x {P}
4 x {C}{C}

Basic Luxchomp with a 2-1 Blaziken teched it cause Jet Shoot is beast. Drifblim FB is for attacking benched psychic weak pokemon, as well sniping and tanking late game. Drifblim UD is a Mewtwo/Tanked Dialga/whatever I want shuffled back into the deck counter. Unown Q is their to help either Smeargle, Blaziken, or Uxie. Smeargle UD is for a free supporter when ever they KO my active or I poketurn my active (since it will only be played when a Q can be attached to it)

I didn't add Call Energy because I have never found them useful, as between everything else, I have no problem getting out the basics I need early game. Dialga G isn't here because I don't like using it in Luxchomp, as it's high retreat annoys me, and I don't want to add a 4th basic energy type to this deck or warp energy.
I'm considering adding a Lucario GL, but not sure what to take out or if it is necessary outside of Machamp matchups. Thoughts?
IMO i would find some way to put dialga g x. reason why sp is not fairing to well against vilegar decks and in my opinion that will be a big deck in roads. That's just my opinion.
I've played a Vilegar once at league and I was able to KO Vileplume with a combination of Bright Look + Zen Blade (or Balloon Tackle if I wanted to). Beyond that, just using Luxray and Garchomp to snipe around before I can do that however managed me for that one battle. Drifblim FB also helps in sniping benched Pokemon such as Uxie with a Crobat drop, or hitting Vileplume/Nidoqueen for a 2HKO while tanking hits late game.

That being said, Given the fact that I have 3 types of basic energy, and Garchomp C as attackers, I don't want to add Dialga G due to the fact that it can't attack at all without adding more basic energy, and I would have to use Unown Q + Energy or a DCE to retreat it if I get it active. I find that I have better ways to get around Vileplume without resorting to Dialga G. The only alternative I could see is dropping Blaziken FB for Dialga G, but Blaziken helps with Steelix and Dialga G, so I feel it is the better play.
I don't think Machamp is that big of a problem for you that you need Lucario GL. Bright Look it early or sac a Pokemon to get damage on it...

Not adding Dialga G is just fine for this kind of deck. I even think the third type of energy is a stretch (and only 3 Energy gain), so Dialga would be just stupid.
i think there are a bit too many techs in here, i would take out the drifblim FB and the drifblim UD line as well as a psychic energy for more consistency cards.
Honestly jalkan, I have used everyone one of the techs, and haven't had any problems with consistency. Removing Drifblim UD removes my mewtwo counter, which is something I would prefer not to take out, not to mention it does well against Vilegar/Machamp/Tanked Pokemon.

However, I do agree, if I were to remove a Pokemon, it would likely be Drifblim FB right now. It is the most situational of all the techs in my deck, but I just love using double Drifblim.