• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

BlazeChomp (Masters,states)


Pokemon 22​
1-1 staraptor fb lvl x
2-1 dialga g lv x
2-2 blaziken fb lvl x
2-2 garchomp c lvl x
2 weavile g
1 honchkrow g
1 crobat g
1 ambipom g
1 uxie
1 azelf
1 unown q
1 brozong g
T/S/S 24​
1 vs seeker
2 tgi e-gain
3 tgi power spray
3 tgi sp radar
4 tgi poke turn
1 energy gain
1 luxury ball
2 warp point
1 pokemon rescue
1 palmers contribution
3 cyrus conspiracy
1 galactic hq
1 champions room
energies 14​
4 dbl colorless
3 fire
3 special steel
1 sp energy
1 rainbow energy
2 warp energies
start out with weavile and get more pokemon on the field, start with blaziken for disruption bringing out any annoying pokemon (regiice,vileplume,pixies etc) and then using garchomp to snipe, dialga is for shutting down those annoying pokebodies. :D
-1 Pokemon Rescue
-2 Weavile G
-1 Galactic HQ
-1 Rainbow Energy
-1 SP Energy

+3 Pokemon Collector
+1 Cyrus' Conspiracy
+1 Aaron's Collection

Instead of using Weavile to get your SP's out, use Pokemon Collector instead. While it does waste a Supporter, it doesn't waste your attack and can let you use Setup or Time Walk. The 4th Cyrus' Conspiracy in an SP deck is for consistency for the engine, and Aaron's is a better recovery in SP decks than Pokemon Rescue due to being able to take out more Pokemon or Energy.
yeah that does sound better :D what other card should i put in since i have 1 slot open and yeah this is the first time i built a deck since rising rivals so im a little rusty, and i seen a lot of blazechomps and they dont seem like the right build so i had to post my own. so im definetly making those changes soon i just need 3 Pokémon collectors :)
I'd go for the second Uxie for consistency. Having two Uxie's are much better than one for extra drawpower and in case one gets Sprayed.
-1 Galactic HQ
-1 Champions Room
-2 Weavile G
-1 Honchkrow G
-1 VS Seeker
-1 Pokemon Rescue
-1 Palmers Contribution
-1 Rainbow Energy
-1 Ambipom G
-1 SP Energy
-2 Warp Energy


+2-2 Garchomp C Lv.X
+1-1 Uxie Lv.X
+1 Crobat G
+1 Cyrus's Conspiracy
+1 Basic Metal
+3 Pokemon Collector
+2 Aaron's Collection


Try and find space for 2 Aaron's Collection. I tried to go for consistency and attempted to clean up your list. Hope this helps.

EDIT: Just so you know, you have a "2 tgi e-gain" and later you have "1 energy gain". I am assuming these are the same thing.