Pokemon 22
1-1 staraptor fb lvl x2-1 dialga g lv x
2-2 blaziken fb lvl x
2-2 garchomp c lvl x
2 weavile g
1 honchkrow g
1 crobat g
1 ambipom g
1 uxie
1 azelf
1 unown q
1 brozong g
T/S/S 24
1 vs seeker2 tgi e-gain
3 tgi power spray
3 tgi sp radar
4 tgi poke turn
1 energy gain
1 luxury ball
2 warp point
1 pokemon rescue
1 palmers contribution
3 cyrus conspiracy
1 galactic hq
1 champions room
energies 14
4 dbl colorless3 fire
3 special steel
1 sp energy
1 rainbow energy
2 warp energies
start out with weavile and get more pokemon on the field, start with blaziken for disruption bringing out any annoying pokemon (regiice,vileplume,pixies etc) and then using garchomp to snipe, dialga is for shutting down those annoying pokebodies.