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Blazideath 3.0(Blaziken)(Masters/Cities)


Aspiring Trainer
Looking for some final improvements/adjustments before Cities. Here's the decklist:

Pokemon: 19
4-3-4 Blaziken PL{R}
2-2 Blaziken FB Lv. X SV{R}
2 Crobat G{P}
2 Uxie LA{P}

T/S/S: 31
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belt
4 Poke-Turn
2 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
3 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Cyrus' Conspiracy
1 Palmer's Contribution
3 Broken Time-Space

NRG: 10

Strategy: Either start with Blaziken FB or Torchic, evolve/level up, and go from there. Goal is to use Clutch for 80 with burn, 100 with Belt, or, since i rock Poke Turn now, to hit harder with Jet Shoot/ Vapor Kick.

Blaziken FB can also drag out unwanted bench sitters on my opponents side(I'm looking squarely at you, Vileplume!) and either keep them there, or retreat myself and promote someone who can deal with them effectively.
RE: Blazideath 3.0(Masters/Cities) (Needs full Pokemon name)

B U M P! Anyone see anything I could do better? I seem to have a real problem facing Spiritomb and don't really know what to do short of adding Regice, which I don't really want to do.
RE: Blazideath 3.0(Masters/Cities)

The only thing I would suggest is Luxray X. It counters Blaze's weakness and switchs out the Tomb. I know, I know, it's expensive, but maybe it will drop after Gust of Wind comes out. And what I just thought of, you don't even need that. LURING FLAME. Bring in a Plume and let it sit there, doing nothing. Hope I helped. :cool: Politoed=life. Tell your friends.
RE: Blazideath 3.0(Masters/Cities)

Yeah.....The nice thing about this deck is that it's got a Plume counter built into it. Since I built this deck before even HGSS was out, it worked out really well.
It's just somehow when I'm facing my buddy's deck and he gets a Spiritomb start, I always lose. I never get the right cards that I need and I always, without fail, have an amazing hand that I can't use due to Tomb. I suppose I could always run Spiritomb to the same effect, but I'm not sure if it would slow me down more than help me.
RE: Blazideath 3.0(Masters/Cities)

Luxray also really helps in the Gyarados match up. Gyarados would wreck this deck.
RE: Blazideath 3.0(Masters/Cities)

Some people would say that Regice could work, but this isn't really the deck where you can be discarding cards all the time. Luxray X isn't needed, I saw the post and rather han switching it out, you switch it out and it is burned.
RE: Blazideath 3.0(Masters/Cities)

Unfortunately, I don't have a Regice to add. I let my friend have my copy for his deck since i didn't need it at the time. A Regice start would also cripple my deck, since it's geared toward maximum speed and destruction. Also like you say, this isn't the deck to be discarding cards all the time, and I certainly can't waste cards on getting the active manz the crap outta there.
Recice can actually be useful,but it can be shadow roomed.If I were you, I might consider adding Registeelbecause it heals itself, meaning it will take lessturns until Shadow Room KOs it. However, for switching the 'Tombs, Regice is good too. And, of course, both can discard cards.
How does Registeel help this deck. You discard 2 cards and Registeel heals itself. What does that do for me? Absolutely nothing. Regice moves Tomb, Registeel just heals itself.