Blaziken ex, 10/11

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About Time! Anyway...
Burn away? Questionable... It's good enough to get rid of EX's in 1-2 turns, seeing as Drag off does a reasonable about of damage. I still won't use it though, I'm too precautious to.
the second atk is bad, why would u do damage to ur self??? BTW fire,fighting, and 2 colorless for 100 (+dmging urself) is not worth it
but i think is good for some blaziken user cause those set that realeasing did not have a nice blaziken since the team magma ,team aqua blaziken ex is banned from the POP rules ... the only blaziken that can used is the emerald version blaziken ...blaziken from holon phantom is totally useless if vs those strong pokemon ....the fighting blaziken also say still can play lah ...the 1st attack is a nice one haha
A mistake:
Blaziken ex's Burn Away said:
Before doing damage, count the amount of HP your opponent's Active Pokemon left, ...
ArmaldoEX accidently included the weakness damage into it's side-effect too.

About the cards:
4 Energy for 100 damage and penetrate every sheild is great. But 4 ENERGY, perhaps it is too slow for the current metagame.
I have to say I am really wanting to see what I can do with this card. I already know that Castaway and Strength Charm is going to be important. The Strength Charm can really come in handy with the Drag Off and pulling something weak to fighting to the front like delta Raichu. I am also thinking that possibly using Holon Circle and Crystal Beach. I am also thinking of going with 2 of DX Camerupt (Backburner to attach energy used in retreating) and CG Camerupt (Delta Protection) and both can hit the bench.
i think it is a good card and have a nice stats...the problem is the second attack that damaging yourself too...what a bad effect but at least it can get rid of DUSTOX EX!!
but the blaziken from emerald is better alot alot of times even can get rid the dustox ex ... shizzow you look loike you`re a big enemy of dustox ex don`t you ?
I am truly a Blaziken fan, but this card is not really good enought for the ex version of a pokemon like Blaziken. The bad side effect of Burn Away cannot be covered with Drag Off when you battle a pokemon with 150HP, after using Burn Away, it would have 50HP left and using Drage Off wouldn't be enough and Burn Away would ake Blaziken ex recieve 50 Damage while doing 50 Damage... Very very bad side effect in this case
yeah, but that proboabaly wont happen too often on the bright side dustox ex gets OHKO'ed
just blast the dustox with the anti ex pokemon ... like shuckle a strong one hhaah besides fire pokemon getting less and less ...
how shuckle will die ??? prevent all ex attack effect including damage ... beside toxic 2 damage instead of 1 poison ...
shuckle sucks, okay just don't even try it

i wasn't saying that i would build a deck around it i meant it was good against 1 popular card. woohoo?
Nice reviews ArmaldoEX and Aagron 93...Oops, Aagron 92. For his first time, Aagron 92 did quite well IMO.
RE:  Blaziken ex, 10/11

CCloud said:
Nice reviews ArmaldoEX and Aagron 93...Oops, Aagron 92. For his first time, Aagron 92 did quite well IMO.

Thanks dude. Any comments and Compliments, even critism is appreciated. Please, don't hesitate on doing so. Thanks You.

how shuckle will die ??? prevent all ex attack effect including damage ... beside toxic 2 damage instead of 1 poison ...

Deoxys EX Speed has an attack called Fastwave which ignores Resistance, Poke-Power or Poke-Bodies including effects of attacks. This includes Safeguard as well, thus, being able to Assault Shuckle with ease and being able to Knock it out in two turns. So, that's how Deoxys EX can Knock Out Shuckle.
Interesting reviews. However, the entire downside to Blaziken Ex is the negative effect of Burn Away and that's what makes it a bad card IMO. It's always great to do solid damage, but when you have the potential to kill a basic which can Candy into a stage 2 beast to destroy and kill yourself in the process giving 2 prizes to your opponent is too much of a gamble to base a deck around.

Atm in this CURRENT metagame there isn't any solid combos to make it viable for a decent deck. Until a decent combo is found then there's no way it's going to be seen as a good card, or played competitively. Banette ex and Luvdisc aren't "real" combos for Blaziken ex IMO. Luvdisc can go into any deck and Banette ex is just a slow way of removing the counters from the damaged up Blaziken which won't do too well seeing as Banette ex must be active.

I would have given it a 4/10, but because Drag Off is good + it has decent HP i'd give it a 5/10.
I like the reviews, but I dislike the card. I just WILL NOT do well in the metagame so far. Damaging itself for a hard cost to provide isn't good. I'd rather just go with Steelix EX or something...

Arcanine out.
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