Blaziken FB lvl x or Drapion lvl x?


Aspiring Trainer
Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but anyway.
Im going to make a trade for either Blaziken FB lvlx or Drapion lvl x, and I was wondering wich one is more valuable.
I allready have a Blaziken FB lvl x in my trading binder so do keep that in mind.
Thanks in advance!
Blaziken is much more worth than Drapion, even if you have 2. Throw Drapion away.
Yes, choose blaziken lv X. It is almost tier 1 and is a great card. Even if you have another one, you can obviously trade this :)
Blaziken FB X is a wanted card.event the normal Blaziken FB worth much in my area. Where else Drapion X is kinda a common Lvl X and worth little
Drapion is one of the worst and cheapest Level X's in my opinion. Go with Blaziken if you want a good card and something worth more.
Believe it or not, I think Drapion x is really viable, it just hasn't been found yet. And I think I deserve a little credibility because (although it can't be proven) I KNEW Gyarados was something undiscovered while everyone else said, "It's absolute crap and just as useless." Blaziken fb x is kind of...ehh. Tier 1 my bum, luxape is 5x better than blazeray. Blaze fbx doesn't belong in a luxray deck. It belongs in a field control deck, with a completely different strategy than blazeray.
^ Wow, you tell us why Drapion lv X is better than Blaziken...

Especially since It has topcutted so many cities. If that doesn't prove it is near tier 1 material, I don't know what does.

Evidence proves something not your belief in a cards ability.
Just realized I never answered the asker's question. Blaziken fb x is more valuable. And I was just saying I THINK there MIGHT be something good in Drapion x, not that it IS better than Blaze fb x. And I said Blaze fb x wasn't tier 1 because 9/10 people will tell you that they would rather use luxape than blazeray, because it's just better. I wasn't trying to start a flame war or anything, just stating my opinion.
I think drapion X has some uses. I ran it pretty successfully with promogon because I can X it on my bench and it maybe gets +30 damage.

Blaze FB X is worth a lot more though.
crm103top08 said:
Just realized I never answered the asker's question. Blaziken fb x is more valuable. And I was just saying I THINK there MIGHT be something good in Drapion x, not that it IS better than Blaze fb x. And I said Blaze fb x wasn't tier 1 because 9/10 people will tell you that they would rather use luxape than blazeray, because it's just better. I wasn't trying to start a flame war or anything, just stating my opinion.

Yes but what you said could have had an impact on the person's choice. Especially when it is the wrong choice to make. Also if luxape is so much better, why hasn't it won anything yet ;P
Luxape two T4's at worlds, Blazeray fails in my area at BR's, Luxape succeeds in my area at BR's.
Blaziken FB value goes down,Ape's rose at BR time and has now settled down.
'nuff said.
^ Two sets have come out after worlds, just saying. Just because something is good in your area, doesn't necessarily prove that it is doing good everywhere else.