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Blaziken / Leafeon

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer


  • 4-3-4 Blaziken (Furious Fists)
    2-2 Leafeon (Plasma Freeze)
    2-2 Garbodor (Dragons Exalted / Legendary Treasures)
    2 Victini EX (Plasma Storm / Legendary Treasures)

  • 4 N
    4 Professor Sycamore
    4 Shauna
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    2 Blacksmith
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Float Stone
    1 Scramble Switch

  • 8 Fire
    4 Double Colorless Energy

Setup Blaziken using Victini EX's Turbo Energize and DCE while Blacksmith reloads energies onto Blaziken to reuse Burning Shot. Leafeon PLF is in here to help counter against Seismitoad EX using Energy Crush aside from covering Water weakness bar Empoleon/Dusknoir which is weak to Electric/Lightning where Raichu XY for Circle Circuit is more suited. I managed to squeeze in a 2-2 Garbodor line for Ability lock but I'm a bit worried about it's consistency in this deck.

Any comments, suggestions, and/or advice is greatly appreciated.
RE: BCR-On Blaziken / Leafeon

I feel like Blacksmith does Victini's job only better because it doesn't give up two easy prizes. There are some changes I think you could make that would improve your consistency and make a Blacksmith engine more effective.

-2 Victini EX; Feels redundant with Blacksmith.
-2 Combusken
-1 Pokemon Fan Club
+3 Ultra Ball; You currently have no Pokemon search, which is going to be a problem with a deck that is going to want to set up Stage 2's quickly. Plus you don't mind discarding Fire Energies at all thanks to Blacksmith.
+0-1 Blacksmith
+1-2 Pal Pad; Let's you reuse Blacksmith without hurting consistency too much.

I would test this out and see where you want to go from there. Hope you like the changes!
RE: BCR-On Blaziken / Leafeon

I thought about running Ultra Ball in here however I was concerned about not being able to play them If my opponent gets Seismitoad EX out for Quaking Punch or Forest's Curse with Trevenant active. Someone else mentioned that I'm better off running 3-4 Lysandre instead of running a 2-2 Garbodor line since Startling Megaphone hurts it's usefulness in here quite a bit.
RE: BCR-On Blaziken / Leafeon

I don't think Item lock is a good reason not to play Items. It is after all just one match up. Even so, there are still times in that match up where you might be able to play Items. Like Turn 1, when you KO Seismitoad, Catchering around Seismitoad, when they break the lock themselves to take a KO with a secondary attacker, etc., etc.
With VS Seeker getting reprinted in Phantom Forces that strengthens the Blacksmith engine in this deck quite a bit not to mention the new Pyroar that can Catcher up your opponent's Pokemon at the cost of discarding 1 Fire attached to it, of course the downside to it is If my opponent has Wobbuffet active to shutdown abilities especially with Garbodor benched with Float Stone attached. With that being said, I'll be looking to fit in a 2-2 Pyroar line in here for Flare Command.

1-2 VS Seeker/Pal Pad and 3 Ultra Ball should be good in here. I did consider Mountain Ring as a counter stadium against LaserBank shenanigans as well as preventing damage done to my bench. In most of my games playing this deck I've only managed to get least 1 Blaziken setup while I was unable to get other Blaziken's out due to Item Lock from Seismitoad EX and Trevenant's Forest's Curse ability. If I switch Rare Candy out with Evosoda then I'll need to run more Combusken's which would take up valuable deck space for better cards. As for the Tools I'll keep the even split with what I got in here by attaching Float Stone to Pyroar and Bangle to Blaziken/Leafeon.