Possible Additions/Revisions
The overall goal of this deck is to gain as much draw/search through discard as possible to feed the graveyard with Fire Energy, and then Blacksmith it onto either Reshiram or Blaziken. They both keep energy in discard, and do decent damage - 120 +20 on Reshiram, and a 150 Snipe to Bench or 150 + 20 hit to the active on Blaziken.
The issue that I'm having at the moment is mostly in setting up Blaziken - I'm fine for the most part on Energy discard. There's also an issue of getting Energy back out of the discard after I use all 3 Blacksmiths - perhaps Lysandre's Trump Card...?
Anyway, I hope that this gave a good enough idea of how the deck works! Thank you!
2 Litleo (XY)
2 Pyroar (PhF)
2 Reshiram (LT)
4 Ancient Torchic
1 Combusken (FuF)
4 Blaziken (FuF)
2 Bicycle
4 Rare Candy
3 Switch
4 Ultra Ball
2 VS Seeker
3 Blacksmith
2 Colress
3 N
4 Professor Juniper
3 Scorched Earth
3 Muscle Band
2 Double Colorless Energy
10 Fire Energy
Possible Additions/Revisions
- - The Blaziken line in general
- - PhF Pyroar for XY Pyroar
- + 3 - 4 Camerupt EX
If Blaziken Kept:
- - 1 Rare Candy
- + 1 - 2 Combusken
The overall goal of this deck is to gain as much draw/search through discard as possible to feed the graveyard with Fire Energy, and then Blacksmith it onto either Reshiram or Blaziken. They both keep energy in discard, and do decent damage - 120 +20 on Reshiram, and a 150 Snipe to Bench or 150 + 20 hit to the active on Blaziken.
The issue that I'm having at the moment is mostly in setting up Blaziken - I'm fine for the most part on Energy discard. There's also an issue of getting Energy back out of the discard after I use all 3 Blacksmiths - perhaps Lysandre's Trump Card...?
Anyway, I hope that this gave a good enough idea of how the deck works! Thank you!